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lawena recording tool

Created 17th May 2011 @ 21:48

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Got an issue where this person has changed their resolution mid-game and when I change it back the demo doesn’t work properly. (The POV changes but none of the other models move)
Is there some way to force the resolution to stay at 1280×720?



I think my issue comes from me accidently turning on the steam cloud in the lawena settings and loading one of gubbins demos which seems to have fucked it up. Anyway to clear the steam settings and start again?

this is a right pain the arse as i was actually getting stuff done for once o/



Hello Folks

i’m actually searching a way to have the crosshair + kill feed on screen with the official TF2 editor.

after a few researches on the web i found this link : [Link]

Obviously the solution in to modify the HUD but i don’t know a damn thing about it. If you know any solution via the console or a clear tutorial about HUD.. i’m interested !

Also the link in the forum giving the ultimate solution is DEAD .. damn Megaupload ^^




Hey Montz

Would you consider making Lawena for CS:GO, if you got in there early mate you would have a huge amount of coverage probably earn you some decent monies through donation.

What do you think? Likely to happen? You owe me man i donated!! :P



Yo guys,
i have a strange lawena bug that is basiclly stopping me from throwing some content out there. When i installed the tool and it asks me where i want to save my moviefiles to i get this


with the power of my decipheringskills i´m able to find my own desktop but then this happens:


if im moving my cursor over the white parts the white parts disappear but the before visible parts turn into the white parts :D

pls someone help me :C



Quoted from IPZIE

Pretty sure, there is something wrong with Java. Tried to reinstall it or something?



Lawena just last night decided to replace my config files and not back them up. I had them backed up anyway, but still it took me a while to realise that.


Quoted from konr

Lawena just last night decided to replace my config files and not back them up. I had them backed up anyway, but still it took me a while to realise that.

happend to me too, someone know how to fix it ?



Quoted from IPZIE

Yo guys,
i have a strange lawena bug that is basiclly stopping me from throwing some content out there. When i installed the tool and it asks me where i want to save my moviefiles to i get this


with the power of my decipheringskills i´m able to find my own desktop but then this happens:


if im moving my cursor over the white parts the white parts disappear but the before visible parts turn into the white parts :D

pls someone help me :C

Had the same problem, when i reinstaled my hole system and installed a new java client it worked fine for me.

Mr. Cr0ss

hl2.exe crashes everytime after ingame 60seconds setup, exactly when “setup” countdown runs out and the match starts, it happens only with lawena in every demo.

Last edited by Mr. Cr0ss,



How do you switch off the crosshair in Lawena?

I’ve got “Disable crosshair” checked, and it’s in the recording.cfg , but for some reason my crosshair still appears… any ideas?



Quoted from beach

How do you switch off the crosshair in Lawena?

I’ve got “Disable crosshair” checked, and it’s in the recording.cfg , but for some reason my crosshair still appears… any ideas?

Mine switched off fine, but I turned it back on in options and now I have a crosshair with a giant black box around it, dafuq ? !



Hmm, I thought it was because I had them enabled in ALL my class configs, but I deleted all those lines, and still the crosshair refuses to turn off!

Okay, it is off when the demo loads, but as soon as my character switches weapon, boom the crosshair is back…any ideas?

Last edited by beach,



Did you check “Disable crosshairs switching in demos” ?

Last edited by Opti,

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