
miniseries: A day in the life of Jonni The Juiciest Jew

Created 30th November 2008 @ 21:43

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Here then finally my miniseries:

Episode 1

Episode 2
youtube: deleted my upload due to music rights or some bollocks. only 2nd episode though. LAME!

Episode 3

other sorts of links up in a bit. but please just download :D
have fun watching hope you like it

P.S. this is only pcw’s / officials. no pickups



Awesome stuff mr. jew :)

The pyro rape never gets old :P



As expected, awesome. You said the music sucked but it was cool =D Good thing you removed the blurry effects :). Nice frags, you’re really sneaky xD

Greetz BvD



ep1 commentary: kinda meh =/ wasnt all bad, but come on, mediocre sniping on pickups? >_> prodigy is kinda cool but very overused
ep 2: boring stuff, crap framerate, not at all related music that didnt fit the video and was shite and then you extended the video by like 5 minutes just so we could hear that crap song fully? D;;;; ?! what made you think people would like to hear even the first minute of that song?
ep3: couldnt even be arsed to check it out after seeing ep2. maybe ill watch it someday when im REALLY bored.



Well nemppu suck my balls and call me tracy. this video was obviously not meant for you :S and again: nothing from pickups even if you still seem to think so.

I apreciate comment I can do something with but you just rant about my movie on gossip and here. FUCK YOU! go make your own vid and await my massive FLAMES of doom! jeez

EDIT: obviously nemppu wants to take this to a next level. i’ve seen your comments. I will adjust framerates for next vid. but I can not find any more useful comment beside the fps-issue then: this is shit music, in your rant.. now I can appreciate comments but I looked long and hard. there is only 1 comment I found useful. rest is a taste issue. bugger off now.

target audience is people who don’t whine! and make longwinded discussions about a framerate issue (plus taste related stuff).



an useless flamey comment would be something like “this movie is crap.”
on the contrary, my comments were (delicate) critique pointing out what was wrong with your videos and they are indeed the sort of comments you could do something with, learn a lesson and make your next movies better. though if your “comment I can do something with” in fact means “a nice comment saying how awesome i am” then that’s a bit of a crap attitude, and you really need to learn to take criticism if you want to get better. video wasn’t meant for me? i’m sorry then, i thought the target audience was tf2 players. so what -is- the target audience then? people who listen to crap music and enjoy watching not really all that spectacular tf2 footage at a crappy framerate?



I wish I knew how to record at a higher framerate :(


Im THAT good!

I won’t even bother to watch jonni sucks! hehe



well how about the fact(&the critique i gave you) that in your movie (still talking about ep2) the music and the video are not at all linked? im really open minded when it comes to music, especially in fragvids even if the music isnt the kind ill listen often/ever but it fits the overall mood well and is nicely in tune with the video ill be happy to listen to it. while watching your (boring) video, i could turn off the audio and listen to some of my own music and it wouldnt make any difference (besides that i would be hearing better music, while watching your boring mediocre-at-best frags). here, take this video for example: this guy’s a spy on publics stabbing people in the back and yet his video is much MUCH better than yours by FAR, and you see how the music is linked there? the audio and the video walk hand to hand. and the music isnt shite. =)



Stop crying cos you don’t like the fucking music, seriously

I mean, you even just suggested a solution of listening to your own music, so just do that and stop posting retarded, badly laid out walls of text (it’s cool man, i’m just critiquing your formatting, you can learn from it)



nemppu shut up already. 3 walls of text because you don’t like my music. lol lol lol. end of spam.



way to miss the point red. a fragfilm-production isnt supposed to be a video-only showcase of cool frags(or boring frags in this case), but rather an audiovisual experience. that’s really one of the key features which seperate mediocre productions from well polished high quality fragfilms (or in this case one of the key features (among many) which makes this film shit instead of mediocre at best).
also, a) nice standards you guys have for a “wall of text”. you dont usually read much anything anywhere, do you? b) youll notice that im not using capital letters either and my sentenced are structured bad and im using too much brackets because frankly i cba as this is an inter netz forum thread not worthy of such. im putting as much effort into this as you put into your video lolololo (i think im actually putting in more effort=(). c) even if i could be arsed im curious if you guys are familiar with the concept “paragraph”? you can read all about it here:

TL;DR; we’re way past the music being shit, you missed the point by miles & are hardly literate & your movie sux lololololololo



what’s your fucking point then nemppu? my video is shit and so are redman’s idea’s are too?
well thankyou for ruining my thread nemppu ffs stay out of it next time. you don’t do it any good.



read the “wall of texts” very carefully and maybe youll figure it out! also, isnt all publicity good publicity? ive been giving your thread free bumps! =) and if by ruining the thread you mean posting negative comments im fairly sure someone wouldve done it eventually anyway. stop being so ignorant & stop getting so butthurt when someone gives you criticism on your work. instead try to make the most out of the critique you get and work to get better. critique is very very essential in getting better at making art (such as in this case fragvid productions !=)), as one tends to become a bit ~blind~ to the faults of one’s own creations, embracing them with motherly love.



Why should jonni take your critique when you didn’t even take mine???

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