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New Map: RJ Training

Created 25th December 2009 @ 00:04

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Really cool map, still didn’t complete it 100% yet tho. Looks really nice so far.


fuck, you didnt waste any time did you? :o

Lol well,i wasted more time in the video than in the map itself tbh.

There it is (still being processed at the moment,but watchable)–> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9_E5faIHOw

is that a speedrun or cut

ed: ah its cut , had comments not activated … ill try a speedrun this evening

Last edited by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,

I’m gonna go stark raving mad attempting to finish this map…



Last jump is kick ass :)




Awsome map :)



I’m just wondering if there’s any usefull RJ maps? To practice on jumps that’s really usefull in matches etc (badlands jump routine etc, but probably more of the half crazy fragga jumps etc). Ofcourse you learn somewhat how to rocketjump correctly in RJ maps, but where are you going to need to land 4 perfectly timed rocketjumps to get to a tricky spot on a map (unpatched granary, but meh)



All you need is badlands or granary with sv_cheats on and practice jumping on those maps until you have mastered all your roll outs, but jump maps allow you to learn trick jumps which you can pull out of the bag in spur of the moment situations lots of them have very limited use but its better to know and not to need and need and not to know.


You don’t need to land a quad or even worry about trick jumps as much when it comes to these types of maps. As Dominix has already pointed out:

Advanced, no fall damage jumps are pretty insane. I stopped on the quadrupule wall jump area, it was pretty hardcore for me tbh :) This takes practice and practice makes pros ^_^

The people who will benefit greatly from these maps are the people with poor soldier skills overall. Experienced soldiers will benefit the least, whether they can do the jumps or not. It’s already a fact that after new soldiers have finally beaten the crap out of these types of maps, they have easily improved their soldier skills. Response, timing, accuracy, survival, air control. All of these will become a huge benefit if your skills in these areas lack already.

Don’t worry about the usefulness of the jump in question, it’s the mechanics behind them that matter, as others will tell you. Then again, this only applies to soldiers who lack skills already, so feel free to frown upon it if this will not up your game.

Last edited by cownaetion,


I’m just wondering if there’s any usefull RJ maps? To practice on jumps that’s really usefull in matches etc (badlands jump routine etc, but probably more of the half crazy fragga jumps etc). Ofcourse you learn somewhat how to rocketjump correctly in RJ maps, but where are you going to need to land 4 perfectly timed rocketjumps to get to a tricky spot on a map (unpatched granary, but meh)



Last jump was fun :D

But goddamn that advanced double strafe jump……………


I apologize for the bump, but after a Valve update broke the map I’d just like to post a reference to the second version, so if anyone stumbles upon here they do not get the broken version.

Version 2 fixes/changes:
+ Reduced the amount of models, fixing Valve’s update and making the map server-friendly (up to 200 extra available models allowed, so I don’t see addons adding that much).

+ Redid the lighting. Couple testers think it looks better than first version, so that’s a plus. The lighting isn’t uniform across all the jumps. Some will be a bit brighter or more dim.

+ Fixed that stupid texture on the ledge of Adv Area 2.

+ Fixed Beginner Area 4 Part B, vertical quad-jump up a wall. Added a pool of water at the bottom of the wall, making falling damage irrelevant and less prone to dieing.

+ Removed all the doors (biggest complaint about map) except on two jumps (due to performance). Added triggers in front of remaining doors to open before reaching it, making them less obtrusive.

+ Cut the amount of particles by half ( I think I only came across one person who had a problem, and even though the particles can be turned off, just a precaution).

Known Problems/Bugs:
+ Beg Jump 4 can be done with 3 good rockets, but it’s a beginner jump so that’s okay for lee-way.

+ Beg Jump 8 – if standing in front of door for more than a few seconds will start to nodraw. Works fine if jump is compiled by itself, but altogether it doesn’t so I’ll puzzle it out some other time. Other doors react fine, and no, a copy/paste didn’t solve it either. (read: not a big deal right now so not worried)



http://www.bystudios.info/games/tf2/files/rj_training.zip <-(The archived name is kept so the link is kept alive since it has been posted elsewhere by other people, but inside is the second version)

Last edited by cownaetion,



Quoted from cownaetion

Don’t worry about the usefulness of the jump in question, it’s the mechanics behind them that matter, as others will tell you.

1000 times this. Plus, isn’t it just fun to land double skip jumps? :D

Considering “useful” jumps, Advanced 1 will help you perfect 27-dmg jumps. Useful in a few desperate situations. (Unequip gunboats though.) Skip jumping can be used off of Badlands trains, among other places.

Thanks for pulling out v2 so fast, cownaetion. I loved jumps advanced 7 and 8. And thank you for Advanced 5. I thought I was good at airstrafing until that one :D




Time to brush up on those “Rocket Surfing” skills you guys.



Sorry for reviving a super old thread, but I used to love this map and now its gone all pink for me:

Anyone else having this problem? I presume something valve might have done with the texture, or something in chris fps configs which makes it like this?


(Cat Enthusiast)

No configs installed, pink for me too

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