New Map: RJ Training
Created 25th December 2009 @ 00:04
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I know jump maps aren’t as popular with the dying crowds, so I’ll end up only make one more concept map most likely, unless enough activity arouses then perhaps I’ll make another one. Downloadable via FPSBanana (seems to be popular), or my host, links at the bottom of post, and more screenshots are available at either site.
Note: This map has just about the maximum amount of models allowed to use. What this means is that on servers with lots of plugins, some may need to be disabled.
The man who deserves the most merit is Nightman. Aside
from holding my hand and teaching me how to tie my
shoes, he’s helped tremendously in the testing of this
map,and not for him the release date would still be
pushed. Following up are my other peeps ElysiumPlain,
ManBearPig, Drexen, and of course, Wonderwall. Most
textures were created from the author(s) of the CNCR04
texture pack, many thanks to them.
10 Beginner jumps, 8 Advanced jumps. The idea behind
the map was to create an environment where new players
and experienced players could converse on the same turf.
The map was not designed toward experts, and instead
caters to the inexperience, with the beginning jumps
focusing on specific skills, and advanced jumps upping
the ante. Enjoy and have fun. Any questions or comments,
feel free to contact me.
Version 2 fixes/changes:
+ Reduced the amount of models, fixing Valve’s update and making the map server-friendly.
+ Redid the lighting. Couple testers think it looks better than first version, so that’s a plus. The lighting isn’t uniform across all the jumps. Some will be a bit brighter or more dim.
+ Fixed that stupid texture on the ledge of Adv Area 2.
+ Fixed Beginner Area 4 Part B, vertical quad-jump up a wall. Added a pool of water at the bottom of the wall, making falling damage irrelevant and less prone to dieing.
+ Removed all the doors (biggest complaint about map) except on two jumps (due to performance). Added triggers in front of remaining doors to open before reaching it, making them less obtrusive.
+ Cut the amount of particles by half ( I think I only came across one person who had a problem, and even though the particles can be turned off, just a precaution).
Known Problems/Bugs:
+ Beg Jump 4 can be done with 3 good rockets, but it’s a beginner jump so that’s okay for lee-way.
+ Beg Jump 8 – if standing in front of it for more than a few seconds will start to nodraw. Works fine if jump is compiled by itself, but altogether it doesn’t so I’ll puzzle it out some other time.
SS 1
FPSBanana: FPSBanana
Last edited by cownaetion,
downloaded, will jumoparound on it :>
That really is awesome mate. Will check it out later.
P.S. This ain’t a dying crowd, don’t worry. ;)
hm not too bad
in my opinion the best map for beginners are jump_adventure and rj_rckteer
Last edited by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,
Seems like a very well made practice map.
I like the idea that you can choose room and therefore don’t have to play several rooms before you get to the jump you might need to practice.
Also the question marks that provides you with solutions are very good.
hm not too bad
in my opinion the best map for beginners are jump_adventure and rj_rckteer
What he is saying is true :)
Beginner jumps are quite good practise for a new player I think but when you die from fall damage all the time in advanced jumps it makes me want to stab myself.
Hocz: When you get better the only jump you’ll ever come close to dieing from fall damage is advance 6, otherwise out of all the players playing it, from moderate to pro, never worried about it. To practice you could always use the hurtme command and when you can do the jumps, then turn it off and work on survival.
As for the Rocketeer map, if you like it better than that’s great, I’m not trying to say this is the greatest map. Rocketeer was designed without crouch jumping in mind, this map takes Rocketeer and reproduces the jumps with crouch (excluding the skip and multirocket jumps). Unlike Rocketeer where people get stuck usually on jumps 4 and 5, that problem is removed and you are free to teleport to any jump you want so you are not stuck or force to do a jump you do not want to do.
Rocketeer however is great for people with no RJ experience at all because of the no-crouch. So I guess you could say this is a step above Rocketeer.
Advanced, no fall damage jumps are pretty insane. I stopped on the quadrupule wall jump area, it was pretty hardcore for me tbh :) This takes practice and practice makes pros ^_^ The map is very good.
Last edited by DominiX,
Real fun map, trying to beat the advanced quad jump :P
Seems people like it, can’t wait to repair my pc and play it
Oy, glad to hear it. I’ll make sure to mark this forum as a place for the next map because it’s only going to be for experienced/dedicated players and I plan on posting on about 3-4 sites, so I don’t expect too much activity, just the people who like jumping.
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