The perfect 5 CP map?
Created 25th November 2009 @ 12:48
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the best 5-cp-map is definately cp_follower!!!
Badlands with proper clip brushes.
Last edited by compton,
Badlands with proper clip brushes.
Get it raised in the TF2 beta thingy, it would take a mapper no more than two minutes to fix the player clips.
The perfect 5 cp map, would be one that allows more of the 9 classes to become useful, so it’s not just 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, a demo, and a medic.
cp_well, is the best at that, make a 3rd way into cp4 and we have a winner
cp_well, is the best at that, make a 3rd way into cp4 and we have a winner
well is just too slow and flat
Badlands with proper clip brushes.
The first three aren’t problems, they’re gaps. Agree on the last two though, that scoot should be taking damage and knockback.
cp_well, is the best at that, make a 3rd way into cp4 and we have a winner
well is just too slow and flat
That’s why it needs adapting :P I’m very tempted to mess about with well this weekend and see if it is any more appealing with edits or if it’s irresuscitable (awesome word :D).
cp_well, is the best at that, make a 3rd way into cp4 and we have a winner
well is just too slow and flat
That’s why it needs adapting :P I’m very tempted to mess about with well this weekend and see if it is any more appealing with edits or if it’s irresuscitable (awesome word :D).
Stretch center point vertically so it doesn’t feel so cramped.
Lose the yard doors between mid and 2nd, replace with some clever geometry :D
Change one of the corridors between 1st and 2nd, so they aren’t mirror images of each other.
Badlands with proper clip brushes.
The first three aren’t problems, they’re gaps. Agree on the last two though, that scoot should be taking damage and knockback.
Gaps or not, you’ll still end up hitting them unintentionally and you can’t really prevent it. Call it a bug or just bad design, it still should be fixed.
there is no perfect 5 cp map, nor will there ever be. people will always have issues with maps =)
a max on badlands and gravelpit themed map would be nice.
Has to have a good height balance, multiple routes but not too many, if possible have everyone arrive at mid at the same time, make the map usable by other classes than just the main 4 +snipers, has to LOOK good, and above all, be different to anything else there has been before.
Personally, I want a map with a shared final point, so effectively 5cp but with 4 points. Then again, that’s why I’m working on one now to try and get it working well.
The main problem, is that you don’t want to overpower any class in particular, but you also want to give a lot of freedom to everyone.
Also this:
there is no perfect 5 cp map, nor will there ever be. people will always have issues with maps =)
Last edited by Cloud,
Nice height difference like: badlands, gravelpit
No trains!!
Still the usual TF2 flow between open dm fights, choke-points and tactics like granary, freight.
Last point should be a bit of an advantage for attackers, anything like granary, freight, badlands, cause well fastlane and gravelpit C is just s*#%.
I think the idea of classes arriving at the same time is a bad one.
Maps like Badlands and Granary rely heavily on a demoman navigating/jumping to middle as quickly as possible with sufficent health. If you had 6v6 on middle straight away, you’re just gonna get a clusterfuck of spam
Last edited by Anderson,
Nah, just kidding. :) Imo, badlands is the best 5cp map at the moment, if flow and the variety of viable locations to position yourselves are the deciding factors. Perfect map.. it would be sad if there was one. Would we want play any other maps then?
Last edited by Zipok,
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