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The perfect 5 CP map?

Created 25th November 2009 @ 12:48

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What would, in your opinion, make the perfect 5 point CP map?

Would you cut and paste points from different maps into one or do you have ideas on a new idea you think would be great?



My ideal idealology, idolises idling ingrates incrementaly. Ingratiating my ingrown toenails irritatingly. Incidentaly, impressive 5 cp ideas can improve incredibly on individual instances of….. Oh sod it, I give up.

How about some kind of skyscraper map with the teams starting out top and bottom and working their way up/down. Take turns going from top to bottom and vice versa!


How about some kind of skyscraper map with the teams starting out top and bottom and working their way up/down. Take turns going from top to bottom and vice versa!

That sounds more like an A/D map. I like the idea though.

Last edited by GangsterAlgot,


well, 5 CP…
indoor and outdoor areas are needed. there have to be some possibilities for a player to choose from or he will get too frustrated. indoor areas mustnt be too small and outdoor areas mustnt be too large.

not too small indoor areas because of: stickies. that’s it and some other stuff and yeah: look a certain indoor gpit stlye map that is a bit bad imo and you will see what i mean.

not to large outdoor areas because of: snipers and fps. hard to explain though…

and @ your 2nd question: you mean it like this *cough* epic fail map? http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/116364

ah, well since i’m working on my own map (which is hopefully unique and reminds nobody on badlands or granary) atm i know that it’s hard and takes a LOT of time and patience. GL with your project.

EDIT: oh, and yeah: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Team_Fortress_2_Level_Creation
very useful

Last edited by archy,



one in which all classes arrive at middle at roughly the same time, and one with three routes in and out throughout the map; whenever there’s only two routes in/out there’s a choke point, like seen at yard on gran, well, obscure etc



The single most important thing to make the map competitive and fun, is a height-based layout, where demomen and soldiers can take full advantage of their jumping abilities. It’s also important for some, because it gives many more opportunities for airshots, nobody’s going to get many on a flat and boring map – it’s a chance to show off how good (or bad) you are, and people love that chance (case in point: badlands spire).



Every map should have a bottomless pit like in Steel and Nucleus.



one in which all classes arrive at middle at roughly the same time, and one with three routes in and out throughout the map; whenever there’s only two routes in/out there’s a choke point, like seen at yard on gran, well, obscure etc

On an S shaped map, would be fun to test a corridor than goes from 1st to mid, that only heavies can go through. If done properly heavy would get to mid at the same time as the rest.

one in which all classes arrive at middle at roughly the same time, and one with three routes in and out throughout the map; whenever there’s only two routes in/out there’s a choke point, like seen at yard on gran, well, obscure etc

On an S shaped map, would be fun to test a corridor than goes from 1st to mid, that only heavies can go through. If done properly heavy would get to mid at the same time as the rest.

How would you make it so that only Heavies can go through?



one in which all classes arrive at middle at roughly the same time, and one with three routes in and out throughout the map; whenever there’s only two routes in/out there’s a choke point, like seen at yard on gran, well, obscure etc

On an S shaped map, would be fun to test a corridor than goes from 1st to mid, that only heavies can go through. If done properly heavy would get to mid at the same time as the rest.

How would you make it so that only Heavies can go through?

That I do not know, I don’t know much about mapping in TF2. Can you specify which classes are affected in player clip brushes?



one in which all classes arrive at middle at roughly the same time, and one with three routes in and out throughout the map; whenever there’s only two routes in/out there’s a choke point, like seen at yard on gran, well, obscure etc

On an S shaped map, would be fun to test a corridor than goes from 1st to mid, that only heavies can go through. If done properly heavy would get to mid at the same time as the rest.

How would you make it so that only Heavies can go through?

http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Filter_Applications maybe?


Add damage in that route so only a heavy or uber is able to push through ? And put a max medpack behind so he won’t lose hp ? I have no experience on making maps but if this is possible than it’s a solution.



good bye quote train

http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Filter_Applications maybe?

That could work I think, any experienced mappers around to tell us?

Last edited by klu,



The damage thingie could work if it dealt something like 400 damage going from one end to the other. Or just a small area that deals 400 damage, instagibbing anything non-overhealed heavy. Also the max health pack would need to be something that can’t be reached in any (useful) way, by for example making it push people downwards from a tube up in the sky.

Last edited by Rake,



good bye quote train

http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Filter_Applications maybe?

That could work I think, any experienced mappers around to tell us?

I’ve made a spy map before where it forces you to move round the map only as spy. You spawn as any class then walk through this door and it makes you spawn as spy if you aren’t already.

Infact that spy map was awesome, shame my hdd died :(

Last edited by jgmaster,

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