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2x Bball map.

Created 4th October 2009 @ 19:48

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Firstly I’d like to say that I really love the resupply version of the map.. I’ve always hated on bball how the map usually degenerates into practice at shooting your opponent on the floor rather than practicing airshots which is what I personally play it for :) Also this allows 1v1 play to work a lot better without having to add any mods or anything, or being forced to suicide when you’ve killed your opponent but don’t have enough health to jump to the basket :D

I have noticed a slightly odd glitch I’m having though which I don’t experience on the standard bball maps. When I have my crosshair over the fence that surrounds the court I get a dark square patch surrounding it as can be seen here. You can see from this picture that it doesn’t happen everywhere on the map, just on the fence. Also this again shows that it’s just on the fence (the basket blocks the weird dark patch).

I’m not sure if this is something fixable at the map making end..but like I said it doesn’t happen on any other bball maps so I thought it might be.

Other than that, which is only slightly annoying, it’s a great map that I will definitely play for all my forthcoming bball needs :D

Edit: Gah! How do you add links to this forums? Clearly not like I tried :<




Firstly I’d like to say that I really love the resupply version of the map.. I’ve always hated on bball how the map usually degenerates into practice at shooting your opponent on the floor rather than practicing airshots which is what I personally play it for :) Also this allows 1v1 play to work a lot better without having to add any mods or anything, or being forced to suicide when you’ve killed your opponent but don’t have enough health to jump to the basket :D

I have noticed a slightly odd glitch I’m having though which I don’t experience on the standard bball maps. When I have my crosshair over the fence that surrounds the court I get a dark square patch surrounding it as can be seen here. You can see from this picture that it doesn’t happen everywhere on the map, just on the fence. Also this again shows that it’s just on the fence (the basket blocks the weird dark patch).

I’m not sure if this is something fixable at the map making end..but like I said it doesn’t happen on any other bball maps so I thought it might be.

Other than that, which is only slightly annoying, it’s a great map that I will definitely play for all my forthcoming bball needs :D

Edit: Gah! How do you add links to this forums? Clearly not like I tried :<

Umm first of all i think i might know whats the problem and im glad someone is having fun on the ressuply version :D
Ill try to make a newer version of ctf_2xbball without that bug.
Oh and i thought of making the fence not walkable i mean that u cant walk on it like in the regular bball?
Btw i just copy the link and paste it and it makes the link thing :D
thanks for comment.
Edit: well ive checked the bug and i dont see anything. maybe its only in your pc? ive checked in my friends pc and it looks quite ok… idk whats the problem but i dont think its in the map.

Last edited by SorroW,

Ah ok :s.. Well thanks for checking anyway :D It’s not a huge deal anyway I can learn to live with it :)


SpA better put this on server one, or make a new server…



From the looks of it this map will make it on the servers


Played both maps yesterday. Enjoyed the resupply map very much, but I don’t think that wil be so good on 3on3 public. I think 2on2 will be better.

I thought of something you could do to improve the map :D Would it be possible to make the backboards act like those used on ctf_ballin or ctf_pro_bball; that is that if you fire a rocket into them it doesn’t explode, it just gets swallowed up? I much prefer this as it forces people to actually time their airshots rather than being able to use an easy splash damage shot off the backboard as a crutch.



It’s running at one of our servers.


After my request they put both maps on their servers. – this run the resupply map with 2v2 instead of normal 3v3



thanks for the support :))

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