Created 3rd September 2009 @ 00:25
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please some mapper rework well and do it without gates. I would like to playtest it with finnish boys in our nice little gather channel.
Don’t add or remove anything, just remove ports and setup time 8)
a friend of mine (CJ, one of the guys who attempted to make gravelpit into a 5 CP) made a version without the gates about 6 months ago, i played it in a lot of american pubs and 6v6s, it blows because the problem on well is cp2/4 not cp3, and it dumps a lot of the class diversity that goes into mid anyway by eliminating the potential use of snipers/heavies
I can’t wait for the day this community locates some standards and kicks well to the curb. Honestly it is one of the worst maps I’ve ever seen used competitively, and I played hl2dm for christ sake.
Well is awesome, just the way it is.
actually it feels more open and just better with no gates.
I’m tempted to copypaste my whiny diatribe about custom maps right about now. :-)
tl;dr version: Work with mapmakers in the community rather than making ineffectual tweaks to something Valve made for pubs
leave the gates, instead make a water entrance/exit into 4th behind the glass window at the point rather than the current water exit only (ie,. move it back and make it entrance/exit) and you’d have a quality map with three routes in three routes out as all maps need
leave the gates, instead make a water entrance/exit into 4th behind the glass window at the point rather than the current water exit only (ie,. move it back and make it entrance/exit) and you’d have a quality map with three routes in three routes out as all maps need
+1!!! Great idea.
2nd point works fine in well, after they added 3rd route to side/4pack. only setup/gates slow down gameplay and makes middle random spam fest.
Tweak cp2 to have more open areas, gettin rid of the roofs. Remove the gates and the map will be great.
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