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cp_obscure_remake_rc1 - Need a Mapper

Created 4th August 2009 @ 15:16

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vertex »

add more detail, make better looking 3dskybox. at the moment the map is FUGLY.

I’m pretty sure detail is what they’re working on now :) It’s a lovely map and it’ll be awesome when it’s completely finished.


:) @ tarmo





byte, here’s the bug I noticed in the pug earlier:




The overlay sticks out of the wall somehow from a distance.


Merci Merci Honey all good my friend <3





The map looks incredible,the textures from the buildings and props fit a lot with the alpine environment,and there is some lovely detail at some places(like 2ndcp).

Need to play it more to say something about the balance and/or possible bugs,but anyways keep the amazing work with the map both of you!


<3 Fruit

add more detail, make better looking 3dskybox. at the moment the map is FUGLY.

I’m pretty sure detail is what they’re working on now :) It’s a lovely map and it’ll be awesome when it’s completely finished.

im pretty sure that rc should be almost like final. so it should be really good looking eye candy already. im not lying to you, its ugly at the moment



add more detail, make better looking 3dskybox. at the moment the map is FUGLY.

I’m pretty sure detail is what they’re working on now :) It’s a lovely map and it’ll be awesome when it’s completely finished.

im pretty sure that rc should be almost like final. so it should be really good looking eye candy already. im not lying to you, its ugly at the moment

Have you seen some of the lengths people go to, to basically destroy the aesthetics of this game and make it playable. That’s all that matters, ofc make it nice looking is good, but from what most people see it looks nice. There are enough small details atm and it’s not so detailed that I’m going to be distracted from playing. It’s coming along nicely.


Best map in TF2


<3 Fruit

add more detail, make better looking 3dskybox. at the moment the map is FUGLY.

I’m pretty sure detail is what they’re working on now :) It’s a lovely map and it’ll be awesome when it’s completely finished.

im pretty sure that rc should be almost like final. so it should be really good looking eye candy already. im not lying to you, its ugly at the moment

Have you seen some of the lengths people go to, to basically destroy the aesthetics of this game and make it playable. That’s all that matters, ofc make it nice looking is good, but from what most people see it looks nice. There are enough small details atm and it’s not so detailed that I’m going to be distracted from playing. It’s coming along nicely.

I don’t really care. the map has already “proven” its gameplay. What about adding some details next? as I said the truth earlier, the map is ugly, and I mean really ugly for a RELEASE CANDIDATE. If small details (which makes the map look good, which aren’t in the map at the moment) get you distracted, too bad for you. still saying, more detail, so it could actually look good.

Last edited by tarmo-,


Tarmo you’ve either had too much vodka or you’re just being damn right rude, can you not tarnish this thread, you’ve stated it already that it’s not pretty in you opinion for a rc1 version…

That is fair enough and your entitled to your opinion however, you repeating yourself 3/4 times with the same is not.

Either say something constructive i.e. say what you think needs alot more work on and don’t come back with “everything” be more specific what you don’t like what you do like.

The way you’ve gone about it sounds like your either livid for one reason or another, or jealous for one reason or another, or just damn right immature, either way maintain some professionalism and try and help me out? You just stating its “fugly” doesn’t mean much, you stating why and what perhaps could be changed does, sure i may not do it but least its constructive critisicms and i value that much more than you being hostile and immature.

Personally i think it has enough detail maybe a little vague in small areas but then again, if theres one thing i have learnt and that is you can never ever have a amazingly good looking map and the game play amazing at the same time, one of those factors have to give.

I could give you examples with valve maps and also with previous mappers who have gone down the whole “omg i must make it look awesome” route but i won’t.



Last edited by byte,



I think you are wrong about that byte, it just needs a lot more work to get a map to look awesome. You would also preferably would want to know some 3D modelling, creating your own textures, sound effects particle effects and the lot.

It’s possible to make a map that looks and plays great, without a doubt.


I beg to differ i haven’t seen a single map where both factors are 100% and you never will for a good reason, i’ll let you try and figure that out yourself as to why.

However the 3dskybox is still in progress as stated in my release update and using your own textures is a valid case to be fair to you.





I have to figure out why a map can’t look and play great at the same time?
Holy christ byte…


You do indeed have to :-)





Fuck me byte it’s like saying it’s impossible to make a website look great and function perfectly, like saying a book can’t look great and have a pleasent story, like saying a car can’t drive smooth and look great at the same time…

i’m actually speechless

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