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cp_logjam (5CP)

Created 17th June 2014 @ 23:12

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Quoted from unu

The new forward spawn is pretty terrible. Just have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buuhFjN1ts8

classic relior



Which mid do you prefer? The one in b19, or the one from b20pre2? Either way I’m likely going to have to tweak either one to make it work a bit better. I’m just curious as to how the new one works after people have tried it a bit.



Why don’t you try putting the 2 little houses near the point?


I’ll try it out in hammer and see how I like it. That’s my biggest issue with this mid at the moment- underneath the point is very open and bland. I’m doing some modifications right by the upper exit of logroom for this next version.

By moving the houses close to the point, you will open up a pretty gnarly sightline from logroom to choke.



Last pre beta 20 version. It’s got a decent amount of graphical issues and a couple other bugs. If anyone finds anything that’s not clipped properly let me know.

Screens to come later.


Pre2-> pre3
Major Changes:
blockbulleted and re-styled the stairs on 2nd
blockbulleted holes in the bridge on 2nd so you can’t kill people hilariously with stickies
Added an addition to logroom’s upper exit on mid
Added another wall in logroom
Moved where cave came out on 2nd

Made the cover at last larger and added some more too

Minor Changes:
raised some slanted roofs on mid and clipped so jumping is easier
modified the position of the rocks right by point
fixed a blue stripe on red’s second
modified the clipping on the slant roof at mid so you can’t stand on the very edge of it
fixed a displacement gap by the right side fence at 2nd



Nice updates. I found few bugs dunno if its from my config or the map at all…but all other fences are working fine but this one..mm:

and this gap:


please get back mid from b19

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=437835104 – this isnt how it was ment to be



I really hope not to see this map again in S21. Bring back Granary pls.


I’m fairly certain that the map’s getting dropped for S21. Not sure what’s replacing it, but with a four option poll I’m pretty sure I’ve got the shit end of the stick.

Regardless, I will continue to work on the map and update this thread.

I know what those visual bugs are- block bullets don’t like to let things near them render sometimes- that’s why you can’t see the fronts of those fences. Easy fix, thanks for pointing it out.

The b19 mid is not coming back. Not for b20 at least. I don’t have any real tests showing what’s going on with this mid, and from my own time playing it and looking around on it I think it’s a much better mid than the b19 mid.

Last edited by Hyce,


It didn’t have to be this way. It looked really promising from the last version, but you fucked it all up with the mid. And if you can’t even see what’s wrong with mid, despite multiple people telling you what’s wrong with it, then it’s no wonder it’s going to get dropped. The most obvious problem with the mid is how Scouts are dominant and other classes can’t do shit.


Quoted from Tenshi

I really hope not to see this map again in S21. Bring back Granary pls.

why the fuck do people have to be this rude, specially on the map thread. Just try to give constructive feedback.

As for the map getting dropped, and while I think currently logjam is not in a state where it should be played in regular season, going back to old maps that were dropped previously seems like a step back.

I do hope hyce continues his work on the map because I still have fun on it and saw a lot of potential in the old versions, the mid is kinda the weak spot of the map but I think with a good mid the map is regular season material no doubt.



I really like the new mid and flank. Big improvement.


So Wareya jokingly jabbed at me, “How’s the tenth different mid for logjam going?” So I went on a nostalgia trip…

Here’s the full convo…http://pastebin.com/imTmiff2

And a tl;dr:

Logjam had 9 different mids in alpha. 3 of them were introduced under the name cp_uintah, and 1 of them was introduced under the name cp_stagg.

Logjam had 10 different mids in beta. (sonuvabitch his joke was right.)

Some highlights:
-b2 had the “Viaduct Mid”
-b6 had the bigass rock arch over the point… sometimes I wonder if I sniff glue then map
-b8 modified the ramps a bunch, and was the beginning of WARHURYEAH telling me mid sucks balls:

“Mid is really in dire need of something changing, it’s so open and wide that all you get is 30 seconds of people just eyeing each other, there are very few ways for a roamer to jump without being clearly seen. Most other maps have blind spots/cover to jump from behind, creating a good amount of space for the team as they can jump in without being immediately called. This mid offers none of that.” -WAR

“Make a new mid or it’s going to be difficult for people to play it this season. If you don’t it might lose a lot of popularity and may not be considered in future seasons. The ETF2L map pool is pretty shitty and unstable.”

Talk about forshadowing… #riplogjam

-b10 introduced THE BRIDGE MID, aka OBSCURE MID… I’d never seen obscure until I recently looked it up. Can’t say that it looks like my mid too much, but I can see where people are coming from.

-b11 introduces the side corridors on mid where cave comes out…

-I laugh my ass off at my optimism: “Detailing progress so far, b12 (maybe RC1?!?!?!?) should be out by January.

-b18 introduces the humped bridge and the ramps up the rocks that got played in ETF2L S20.

-b20pre1 introduces the rock bridge mid, RIP houses

-b20pre3 introduces a better exit from logroom, and modifies the bridge pretty decently

So, that’s 10 mids during beta. 5 of which came out after WAR told me mid was a pile of balls.

Logjam’s first beta mid was the same as the last alpha mid- so the total number of mids is one less than the sum of alpha and beta mids.

18 different mids. That’s just mid. Last has stayed pretty much the same through the whole thing. 2nd had about a billion different alpha versions, and the transitions have always been an issue.

So… next time you say “I’m interested in making a TF2 map for competitive” I’m going to recommend drinking heavily instead. Hah. It’s been a fun ride having this map in ETF2L. By no means am I going to stop working on the map, but I’m pretty sure it’s getting replaced in ETF2L.

What’s my honest opinion on that? Well, I’d say that they’re taking it out and I’m going to lose testing and it’s going to be hard to get good feedback. That being said, that’s none of their fault. Who wants to play on a shitty map that’s constantly changing? Probably not many. I think Logjam got hyped a bit too hard and I got too excited when the chance of getting it in season happened originally, and it got thrown into rotation very prematurely. Which is certainly largely my fault for even letting it happen. I did make a shit ton of progress on the map between when the Logjam Cup was held and now. Hopefully the map will be good someday. Thanks for letting me run it for two glorious (lol) seasons, ETF2L.


You need a vision on how the final result will look like and take advice from a few selected players mainly on bugs, sight lines and inconsistencies throughout the map. Now its like a piece of clay for everyone to play with…
Take your time, perfect it and it will be welcomed back.
I`d say don`t make it into another map that we already have… but then again people are afraid of change… so maybe you should cleverly make it into a map we already play with just minor colour changes ha.


Really wish I could of told u some priceless advice Hyce, when map making in that it’s so easy to start taking opinions of other gamers, especially of lower skilled scrubs who haven’t played the game in full to understand the mechanics of why some maps work e.g badlands or process.

You end up trying to satisfy so many people, and then end up with a mess of 60 different areas in the map being the opinion of 3-8 gamers etc…

Then you get high profile gamers who voice their opinion which you probably try to satisfy too, which again fucks up the map but not as much.

My advice if in future or anyone who is going to make a map, when making a map base it off the rules of another successful map and stick to it, only accept the outrageously wrong concept opinion’s.

Sorry you’ve had to face the ungratefulness of certain peeps in the community but it’s the same for anyone map making, when I made obscure_final I had a few individuals mock it in the grand final when they played it while it was being casted etc. Makes you feel that all the time u spent on it wasn’t worth it : <



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