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*Poll** Which maps do you like/dislike and want to see for S18 6v6?

Created 5th April 2014 @ 19:00

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I’m interested in knowing how popular each ‘comp’ map is amongst it’s players so I made a few polls, please click on every link and not just vote for you favorite so we can get a % of like to dislike, I included as many old comp maps as I could remember even though I know most won’t be very popular for the sake of fairness, if there is another I should add then let me know.

P.S You may vote ‘yes’ for more maps than a season could accommodate so long as you like the maps

**All polls refer to the most recent/pro version of the map, i.e koth_viaduct = koth_pro_viaduct_rc4**

cp_granary http://strawpoll.me/1440590

cp_badlands http://strawpoll.me/1440609

cp_process http://strawpoll.me/1440611

cp_gullywash http://strawpoll.me/1440614

cp_metalworks http://strawpoll.me/1440619

cp_snakewater http://strawpoll.me/1440687

koth_viaduct http://strawpoll.me/1440632

cp_gravelpit http://strawpoll.me/1440636

cp_freight http://strawpoll.me/1440646

cp_well http://strawpoll.me/1440694

cp_standin http://strawpoll.me/1440650

cp_warmfront http://strawpoll.me/1440658

cp_obscure http://strawpoll.me/1440660

ctf_turbine http://strawpoll.me/1440666

koth_coalplant http://strawpoll.me/1440669

cp_sunshine http://strawpoll.me/1440672

cp_yukon http://strawpoll.me/1440675

cp_dustbowl http://strawpoll.me/1440743

Last edited by hr,


(Legendary Ratehacks)

rework the voting method this looks like a shitton of effort


Quoted from smziii

rework the voting method this looks like a shitton of effort

I could have made a questionnaire or something but I don’t know where to go for that and have the results displayed nicely next to it, besides only took me 2 mins to go through and vote on every one, takes opening and closing a lot of tabs but still not that hard.



Quoted from hr

I could have made a questionnaire or something but I don’t know where to go for that and have the results displayed nicely next to it, besides only took me 2 mins to go through and vote on every one, takes opening and closing a lot of tabs but still not that hard.

You overestimate the effort people are willing to put into it.

Edit: Survey at https://de.surveymonkey.com/s/9LMZ8Z7 and results at https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-8G9RJH9/

Last edited by ash,



lol are you serious


Quoted from ash

Edit: Survey at https://de.surveymonkey.com/s/9LMZ8Z7 and results at https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-8G9RJH9/

The reason I didn’t do one like this is because take gpit for example, it seems like loads of people love it and loads hate it, I feel like it would rank very highly if you don’t consider those who really don’t like it, personally I like it but it seems like useful information is being left out if one was to consider what maps to include the next season.

Dr. Heinz


Strawpoll plz


I voted yes for dustbowl



Lol, obscure. It’s been quite a while since obscure was last played. Newer players probably don’t even know what it looks like.

Last edited by MIGHTY BURGER ツ,


is dustbowl a joke?

Last edited by PdH,



with that rate, no chance we are gonna get any new maps, would like to see a new koth (coalplant looks nice) and cp_sunshine.




(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from MIGHTY BURGER ツ

Lol, obscure. It’s been quite a while since obscure was last played. Newer players probably don’t even know what it looks like.

I remember playing it on a custom map pub couple years ago and I really liked it.
Too bad nowadays I can’t find any server which has that map anymore anyway :<

Also cp_foundry should be added too


Quoted from Phnx

with that rate, no chance we are gonna get any new maps, would like to see a new koth (coalplant looks nice) and cp_sunshine.

Personally I think sunshine is complete garbage and that’s down mainly to the mid, might work for hl or I might have just had a bad first impression from the cup but that’s how it seemed to me. I’d like to see coalplant maybe, could even replace viaduct if people don’t want too much koth but if we’re just replacing metalworks with something then I’d like to see the return of gpit.


Dr. med.

I’m surprised so many people still like Granary. Well, it is how it is, I suppose.

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