New Competitive CTF concept - thoughts?
Created 26th October 2012 @ 14:09
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Quoted from Tapley ❤
Any CTF where you can cap the point when your flag is not at your base is shite.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Any CTF where you can cap the point when your flag is not at your base is shite.
Well, that’s technically how this would work: since only one team can cap at a time, that would mean their “flag” would be invisibly lying at their previous capture point.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Any CTF where you can cap the point when your flag is not at your base is shite.
This, I think it wold be a good thing to try, only issues is that the team thats leading can just turtle up with the intel for ages.
But what do you think about my actual concept? I’m not asking what might make CTF work, I’m asking if you think this particular concept might work?
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Any CTF where you can cap the point when your flag is not at your base is shite.
What about having only 1 intelligence? Like CTF_Converge, you cap the flag at your opponents base and it respawns in the middle.
The concept could work but it doesnt seem to be as easy to grasp hold of for newbies, ctf as it is now is ok, it just needs tweaking of the rules to get it working, turbine on the current ruleset is pretty awesome imo.
Going to the point of changing current maps to ctf, for badlands it could work.
If i understand your theory correctly, the team that takes the intel on mid would then move onto spire? If the intel is dropped the enemy team can then pick it up? You mention a 2 minute reset, so if the team going for spire drop the intel, turtle mid, the intel will go back to mid even if the other team currently have hold of it? Thats the only flaw that I could see from this.
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
The concept could work but it doesnt seem to be as easy to grasp hold of for newbies, ctf as it is now is ok, it just needs tweaking of the rules to get it working, turbine on the current ruleset is pretty awesome imo.
Going to the point of changing current maps to ctf, for badlands it could work.
If i understand your theory correctly, the team that takes the intel on mid would then move onto spire? If the intel is dropped the enemy team can then pick it up? You mention a 2 minute reset, so if the team going for spire drop the intel, turtle mid, the intel will go back to mid even if the other team currently have hold of it? Thats the only flaw that I could see from this.
That is the general concept, yes, but what happens (in your example) if the team pushing spire lose it, the other team will get an intel on their spire and try to push mid. So basically you got a 2 minute timer to push, or the other team will get a chance at pushing.
Go make the map. Can’t really know for sure how will play until you actually play it. Might also give you other ideas.
I like setlet’s idea too. I suppose question is whether you want ctf to function much like 5cp in regards to uber pushing etc, or more similar to quake. No engies (no medic?) and a map designed to allow soldiers and demos to use what limited movement options tf2 allows plus fast spawns might be cool. It might just play like a shit attempt to emulate better ctf games though :P
I’m not sure being unable to cap without your intel would really work without maps that make defending a flag carrier hard as fuck.
ps. there was some french game mode called gg200, that I always thought might make a cool ctf game mode. It was 3v3, direct hit, gunboats and paintrain only unlocks allowed, gravity set to 200 and map was cp_orange_x (that massive open one with the big tower in the middle). I reckon it might work 6v6 in ctf when you have 3 on d and 3 on attack, faster spawns closer to the centre of the map and no capping while your flag is off the stand. Not rly a practical suggestion but idk, I always thought it would be more fun than turbine :P
If you ask me, (no one did), I’d much prefer a decent A/D map, maybe like dustbowl but with 3 linear points to go for rather than A or B to start with where 1 gets ignored. Hell you could go nuts and have a linear 5CP A/D but make them cap quick or make it a small map or…loads of things you can do with A/D.
This ctf sounds fun too, but it’ll be a bastard to get everything balanced just right.
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from Setlet
[offtopic]3 guys use rocket jumper/stickyjumper, 3 guys def. No engies allowed. Instant spawn is also needed, so losing your attackers wont be a huge deal.
Maps also need to have wide open areas.
Imagine, attacking is fun, defending is fun. When you attack, you can use your epic rocketjumper skills to cap the flag. As a defender, you can use your epic airshot/tracking skills to rape attackers. Would be fun as hell. Attacking with 6 people would be a bad idea, because then you have no def and enemy attackers get so many caps.
Also, playing the most boring class (medic) isn’t viable, because you practically never take damage nor you need an ubercharge. Playing a spy sounds a pretty shit idea too. Scout, Pyro, Soldier, Demo, Heavy and Sniper (if he’s good enough) should be viable.
Also, I think the intel area should be “unstickable”, like the control point. (they would bounce off it. So you need to use a lot of time to get good stickies.
love to see these ideas tested, sounds really really fun – also on a side note after reading some of these comments;
is it possible to put the attacks teams intel in a protected area that only the attackers could access? so that the defenders couldnt access it or be able to pick it up at all if its not possible(just to stop the A/D mode from being griefed or something)
but yeah, high ceilings, fast paced movement, 10-15min round times then they teams switch A/D, lots of jumping and sliding from ramps instant respawns for attackers(if the maps big/long), blocking stickies sticking to the flag zone(badwater last for example), allowing alot of the unlocks tf2 has to offer will help too and you could even implement a little bhop’ing feature to it so the classes that cant rocket/sticky jump around have lots more mobility/speed…
it honestly really really excites me just thinking about it and the potential it could have, sounds soooo much fun ^.^
and finally, ofc im not trying to say lets just turn tf2 into tfc2, but theres lots of features in tf2 that could be used to re-create the fast paced adrenaline pumping fun that tfc had when you were flying around and grabing a flag then trying to flee with it whilst being shot at by 4-5-6 other people :D:D
lets test! i’d love to play this type of game if it was built well! x
edit: oh and just thought, maybe remove the cap = 5seconds of crits too, because thinking about it, teams could get the flag out, reset their attack(switching out mobility weapons for dmg weapons(rocket jumper for rocket launcher for example) then cap, then run in and wipe the enemy team, grab flag, cap, rinse and repeat :$ ^.^
Last edited by wai,
Just cut the middle and both second points of cp_freight, instead of the point on the second put an intelligence and somewhere behind it put the spawn. And it’s done ;) a perfect ctf map
One thing that is needed for sure is the classic way to reset the flag: standing on it.
Also needs having your own flag at home to be able to cap. That makes for the most intense shit.
Last edited by Koeitje,
Quoted from Koeitje
One thing that is needed for sure is the classic way to reset the flag: standing on it.
Also needs having your own flag at home to be able to cap. That makes for the most intense shit.
Quoted from Koeitje
One thing that is needed for sure is the classic way to reset the flag: standing on it.
Also needs having your own flag at home to be able to cap. That makes for the most intense shit.
I think it wouldnt work on this game, on quake ctf it works because theres no classes and people dont spawn with weapons, in TF2 i think i would be the most boring stalemates simply because people would suicide just to return flag and the other team wouldnt have time for a second push.
One concept id like to see would be Reverse CTF, you have their intel in your intelroom and you have to cap it on their side.
This would eliminate the need for a push to get in, and another to get the flag out, making less teams go “turtle style” since you can rocketjump onto the point and cap even if theres a sentry.
Last edited by stuntz,
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