[Contest Entry WIP] cp_follower FINAL
Created 2nd March 2009 @ 21:13
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Feedback is feedback, though 32 servers tend to not be the best indicator of 6v6 balance :)
I think I’d need some more 6v6 tests to see if moving a forward spawn would be the right thing to do. I’ve already had complaints of size (even in 32 servers surprisingly), and moving that spawn back would increase that travel time a good deal.
One reason I think that it’s hard to retake 4 is because defenders can’t leave their point open much at all with the reduced size compared to Granary. I’ve addressed this in b3 with some help to defense at CP1. This came from 6v6 feedback :)
“What have 32 man servers got to do with 6v6 nocrits?
What have 32 man servers got to do with anything balanced? ^^”
Although the maps are built for 6v6, we still have to cater for the average pub player, otherwise it’ll just become cordoned off. For example, drylands fully supports 32-player tests. It’s also a rigourous test of balance because balance issues will be much more amplified and obvious than in 6v6. That’s not to say however that 6v6 playtesting isn’t useful for catering to that audience.
The map has been updated on March 10, 2009.
Follower is an original 5-point CP map influenced primarily by Granary and Badlands. The map is intended for a competitive setting first, though it should be fine for public servers as well. There are many unique gameplay elements to the map that need testing, such as the flow of the various routes between CP2 and 3, CP3 itself, CP1’s openness, and other things.
Download/Screenshots at (official page for the map, includes 7z, zip, and bz2)
B3 Changelog:
-Many fixtures that looked reachable by skill jumps have been made solid.
-Medium ammo added on each side in the middle area.
-Small health added to the bottom of the middle.
-Small ammo added to the bottom approach to middle.
-The terrain under the bridge has been raised.
-A small inaccessible (to non-skill jumps) bridge now resides near the middle flank route to block some excessive sniper lanes.
-The size of the building interiors on each side of the middle is reduced.
-An extension has been added to the middle building where an excessively long sniper lane was available. This should also reduce the perceived size of the middle.
-The minor wood shacks on the sides of the middle have been lengthened slightly.
-Players at CP1 now spawn forward some to reduce travel time.
-CP1 has additional cover for defenders that provides some height.
-CP1 has a small ammo and health location for defenders since the resupply is far away and attackers are closer than normal when they enter.
-The control point itself now has some cover to avoid excessive offensive spam.
-The looks of the catwalk around the CP have been tweaked.
-The catwalk outside of CP2’s building no longer terminates inside CP3’s building, it terminates at the steps entrance to CP3’s building.
Looks like a really good changelist.
Don’t go bashing 32man servers just because they have more players. A remarkable amount of map-related data scales downwards well. However, the reverse is not true. This is why 2fort plays acceptably at smaller numbers but horribly at larger. However, as granary and badlands work great with large numbers, they also work great with smaller numbers. 16v16 is, if you can grasp this, just a larger sampling size for overall gameplay patterns. The number of encounters and pace of play may ramp up greatly for macroplay, but if you account for this, it’s invaluable sources of feedback.
You lost me at 2fort plays acceptably for smaller numbers.
….Just in time for Monday map pack.
[Map Update] cp_follower_b4
The map has been updated on March 15, 2009.
Follower is an original 5-point CP map influenced primarily by Granary and Badlands. The map is intended for a competitive setting first, though it should be fine for public servers as well.
Download/Screenshots at (official page for the map, includes 7z, zip, and bz2)
-Removed the tall catwalk between CP2/3 near the cargo crates.
-Some general corners that needed clipping were clipped.
-Removed the lower right entrance to the middle area.
-Added an extension to the middle building above where the lower right middle entrance used to be. Modified the CP2-3 section to accomodate.
-Shortenened the width of the overall middle area.
-The above changes result in a smaller playing area for CP3 with more options for attackers (they can use the right side more effectively).
-Added a medium health pack to the left entrance into the middle area.
-Another building added to each side of mid to close excessive sniper lane and to make it feel less open.
CP 2/4
-Removed the lower flank entrance for attacking.
-Added another ramp accessing the upper level on the opposide side of where it is now for defense to accomodate the loss of an exit.
-Added small health on new defensive ramp up to help defense slightly.
-Overall, this point should be slightly easier to defend in 6v6 games.
CP 1/5
-Removed the small planks across the area and replaced it with a straight bridge.
-Added a small building near the CP for defense to hold that contains a small health pack. This tower puts defenders on equal height with the highest attackers.
-Shortened the length of the closest offensive building and made the cut off section a balcony. Defenders can use this balcony to help stop attackers up high.
downloading 8.2 kb/s :/
Here’s an FPSB mirrior if it’s too slow:
[Map Update] cp_follower_b5
The map has been updated on March 17, 2009.
Beta 5 is released. I’m trying to finalize the gameplay aspects of the map through playtesting and have been rapidly releasing betas. Hopefully this is the last one for a little while for extended feedback. Some visual aspects are slightly less than par due to that fact, but they will be spruced up before long.
Follower is an original 5-point CP map influenced primarily by Granary and Badlands. The map is intended for a competitive setting first, though it should be fine for public servers as well.
Download/Screenshots at (official page for the map, includes 7z, zip, and bz2)
-There is now a dropdown exit from the middle building to help attackers overcome CP2-3 yard spam.
-There is a new plank from CP3’s balcony area to the CP itself. This allows more alternatives to the CP but is balanced with a risk of falling off.
-Cut off the overpass from CP 2-3. It no longer allows entrance from both sides. It drops off next to the hill entrance to CP3. This should make blind quick attacks to CP2’s flank less attractive.
-Added an additional cargo crate to the stack near the high CP2-3 entrance to stop excessive spam from the tops of the crates. It’s still possible to get on the other side via skilljumps.
-Removed some excessive clutter cover from the CP1 area to provide more room to work with for both sides.
i like the changes, its a little less of a granary/badlands copy now
[Map Update] cp_follower_b6
The map has been updated on March 18, 2009.
Beta 6 fixes a pretty serious balancing issue from previous betas where blue had a shorter spawn time than red as long as they held their own CP2. I’m going to try and keep release count low after this one. Hopefully the next version will be a release candidate provided the spawn timer fix keeps the map balanced.
Follower is an original 5-point CP map influenced primarily by Granary and Badlands. The map is intended for a competitive setting first, though it should be fine for public servers as well.
Download/Screenshots at (official page for the map, includes 7z, zip, and bz2)
-Fixed a spawn timer mixup on Blue CP2 that reduced Blue’s spawn timer when they held their own CP2, but didn’t reduce Red’s timer when they took Blue CP2. This should make teams completely balanced, and this mistake could have a large effect on overall gameplay.
-Made some more lights solid to jump on.
-Unclipped a ledge at mid for players to stand on above a doorway.
-The CP1 wall has been removed since it was unneeded.
i played it on some pub yesterday 12-16 players and it feelt good. :P
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