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Created 19th February 2009 @ 16:45

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Forward spawn AND not 22 secs for def last point respawn O_O


This map pwned tbh :D, defo worth and defo fast paced like badlands and granary only bad thing was the respawn times if your gonna make it so that you always spawn from 1st then u can’t put a spawn time of 19secs for example thats jus too harsh :E

But other than that i liked the routes very good and fast paced imo nice :D





map rox, needs forward respawn :D


Forward spawn comes available after capping enemy 2nd. The respawn timers are definitely gonna be shorter, on defense at least. Thanks from commenting!

Current to-do list:
– Shorter spawntimers on defense (22 seconds sound really absurd, the time I’ve set in editor is 13)
– Optimizations for better FPS
– Print a screenshot from Bytes post and hang it up on my wall



I don’t want a forward spawn for the middle point.
The reason is simply that it is easier to recap middle, so if the defenders manage to kill a couple of players, they have a better chance of recapping middle, and I think it’s good to reward pushes. Pushes make the gameplay faster.
Also, where should the 2nd respawn be? The distance between your first spawn and the middle point is actually very very close. A couple of sticky jumps from the demo and you’re there (if you go the upper route).
So yeah, I hope you don’t put a forward spawn for the middle point. It works really well as it is now tbh.


No worries, there is no hope for those who wish a forward spawn for capping mid. ^^


I like this map, the only big thing is the HUGE respawn @last cp :/


B4 released!


_b5 released!
Feedback from you is very much needed.


<3 Fruit

just ran through the map, some small details which i found disturbing:

first cp, upper door from spawn, outside texture isnt “middle” of the door, which looks wrong :p

when advancing to 4th cp, there is stairs on left side of the map which goes to attic, clip the first stairs (lower one of the 2 stairs) so you cant access under them

a) its not that “easy” to come out from there
b) doesnt feel right (only way to access there is crouching and its just slow)
c) you dont need to get there ;o

that winch on the attic, it isn’t even touching the wall on the other side and is somewhat inside the wall on the other side

and remove physics from models you dont need or which doesnt have one :B



Nice map!! alot of balance, and nice respawn times (at least not ages long)..

Sad Giraffe


This is by far one of the best custom 5cp maps out there.
It’s very fast, hwg plays well, it got some great new ideas, and it’s fun to play over and over again.
There are a few things that need fixing (like you have to jump to get through the middle window on second) but putting that aside this map is great!



This is by far one of the best custom 5cp maps out there.
It’s very fast, hwg plays well, it got some great new ideas, and it’s fun to play over and over again.
There are a few things that need fixing (like you have to jump to get through the middle window on second, and also the first spawn is so big that if you heal the demoman he can jump out of your reach in the beginning of a round) but putting that aside this map is great!



played this 3 times in a row (but only as heavy or soldier)
ok it was a new map for me, but it didnt got boring
I like the change of the routes instead of a 2nd respawn (great idea)
I like the med/ ammo pack distribution
I like the spawn and cap times
need more playing to see problems, but the pickups all were good balanced and I didnt had the feeling that a point is not capable or to easy to fall.
=> nice map

PS: kodyl sucks



Have always said this map deserved more attention. Good to see it getting played again.

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