Created 19th February 2009 @ 16:45
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some optimisation maybe :P some said they had lower fps, dunno.
What is needed imo is
– make the last easier to defend. it was just a “get on top and spam the shit out of the enemy” tactic all the time.
– a 2nd respawn, a bit forward, when you have mid. (discussable.)
– and (imo) another entrance to the second point for non-jumping classes like soldiers/scouts/demos. only 1 way there.
Waebi, there is the entrance on the left that takes you to the top or directly onto the point as well.
Forward spawns doesnt seem to be an issue since it isnt far to mid, and the team who cap mid usually tended to win the round anyway.
I just played it in a pickup, and here’s my thought:
– It is way too dark
– When you cap middle, shouldn’t there be a forward spawn? I’m not quite sure what I would prefer though, actually no forward spawn seemed to work okay.
– The second point is pretty good, especially with the whole “on top” thing.
– First point is impossible to defend, especially with 20 second respawn.
All in all a very promising map!
i think he meant only one entrance for non-jumping classes from 1st cp to 2nd one. Indeed, you have only the small door under the big pipe.
2nd is too hard to recap.
Woah! A lot of replies, huge thanks, you guys are all super. Gonna present my opinions on some issues mentioned.
“(imo) another entrance to the second point for non-jumping classes. only 1 way there.”
– There is another door on top of the big pipe. On top of that, I’m considering the possibilty of making the window (not the high one) reachable to non-jumper classes too.
“- a 2nd respawn, a bit forward, when you have mid. (discussable.)”
– There was a forward spawn after capping mid, it made recapping midpoint near impossible. It is indeed discussable, but my honest opinion is that it is not needed.
“there is the entrance on the left that takes you to the top or directly onto the point as well.”
– If that means the “Battlements” -door, I’d really like to see it having a lot more use. Seen some betatest pickup teams totally ignoring it, and losing first cp easily due to offense controlling the rooftop. If it was used, I’m very concerned to hear / see more about how the last CP plays.
“First point is impossible to defend, especially with 20 second respawn.”
– The respawn timers are factors that still may need tweaking, further betatests required!
“2nd/4th is maybe a bit too easy to cap.”
– Considering blocking the direct CP access from the room with stairs leading to third floor, needs more betatests.
“2nd is too hard to recap.”
– When the respawning offensive team attempts to enter 2nd cp from middle, they are only able to use the maindoor, the window, and the sidedoor to the room with the 3rd floor stairway. That is already a slight disadvantage, but if the 2nd appears to be too hard to recap, I will fix it.
If someone is organizing more playtests on this map, try to get me informed of it. I’ll gladly come to spectate! I’m adding all the things you mentioned into my notebook, thanks!
f2 is evil for spamming cp2 with stickies from cp1. nasty. Also i think that window on the very top of cp2 to cp1 needs removing, it makes it far to easy for attackers to enter cp1.
the towers either side of cp3 may need redesigning, as they currently have no function :(
but its a good map! it played really well. good job on it.
i love the little house b4 middle point. and the left entrance into cp2 to get to the roof. i think you should remove the health packs from the roof area though, makes it too easy for attackers.
oh yea, and when the enemy caps middle, the door that goes into cp2 from the pipe closes right? well it also closes when u recap cp2. i suppose its good for the map but it caught me off guard the first time lol
i dont think its too dark, but then again i was fighting red team :D they glow in the dark
Also i think that window on the very top of cp2 to cp1 needs removing, it makes it far to easy for attackers to enter cp1.
I don’t think you should remove the window. After all, there’s only three ways to go from cp4 to cp5… removing one will make it cp_well’y.
i dont think its too dark, but then again i was fighting red team :D they glow in the dark
Imo it is way too dark… it’s difficult to see enemies and it makes me sleepy.
Fact is, it’s a really enjoyable map as it is now. Just needs some tweaking!
also i had an fps hit in that map. im not sure if anyone else did though.
This map has actual original thought in it, it’s far from a badlands copy and that’s its strongest point.
Zipok told me he thought about Heavy in the design process and I think it shows. The map is compressed in physical size, so Heavy gets to the middle point faster and the ledge on the right of the middle point is an excellent place to deal constant dmg to the point. Forward spawn would be a terrible idea, because as it was stated, it would make the mid impossible to capture back.
Also, I don’t know about your video settings but I had absolutely no problems with the darkness.
“- When the respawning offensive team attempts to enter 2nd cp from middle, they are only able to use the maindoor, the window, and the sidedoor to the room with the 3rd floor stairway. That is already a slight disadvantage, but if the 2nd appears to be too hard to recap, I will fix it.”
No, I meant that 2nd/4th CP is hard to recap when you are defending last cp, not when you come from middle (where it’s fine imo).
There is only :
– the two doors near the big pipe
– the “low” window (only demo / soldiers)
– the top windows (only demo / soldiers)
So, two paths require jumping, which mean no medic, and, on the other hand, the doors are rather small and easy to spam / stick (small corridors + big splash effect).
Meanwhile, the opponents have the height advantage (from windows) and a open field with no place to hide : they can see any push from defenders while defenders can’t anticipate attacks.
This is why I think it could be a good idea to make the “low” window accessible by non-jumping classes (scouts would be more useful, for now, they can’t barely do anything useful in this configuration).
“- the “low” window (only demo / soldiers)
– the top windows (only demo / soldiers)”
.. Nah, scouts can enter through every pathway possible.
A new version is in the making, and it is going to test two changes I’m gonna make. One to the 2nd CP, one to the area between mid and 2nd. If it works, it stays, if it is a flop, it won’t stay. Stay tuned. :)
P.S. The ledge on the right is an excellent place to watch your flank, too!
Update! _beta3:
– Second CP sideroom (stairway room) layout changed.
– The ramp between 2nd and mid modified.
– Removed a small health bottle from the 2nd cp third floor stairway.
– Fixed a shoot-through-a-wall bug on the last cap.
– Added a small fence-style wall to the last cap.
– Added a func_respawnroom to the other resupply, where players don’t spawn.
– Made the last cp platform a bit larger.
This version is a bit experimental. The changes presented could improve the gameplay, or worsen it. I’m not sure, but it is better to try it out. Enjoy!
Released version _b3a ! It contains a hotfix to a visual glitch caused by the scout update.
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
I want a forward spawn
map rox … needs forward spawn
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