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Created 19th February 2009 @ 16:45

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http://www.nocrits.com/maps/cp_hillside_b6b.rar (DL)

UPDATE: _b6 released 13.9.2009 !

A project which has been going on and off for a while, but revived thanks to this contest.

The map has a middle-cp which is reached particularly fast by soldiers / demomen, about as fast as scouts. Running a sniper / spy could work, but don’t expect them to dominate. Heavy is dangerously slow to get to the point, but pwnage will occur when he reaches the spot. Try to take full use of the sniperdeck, and all of the free space around the midpoint. Despite everything, speed is a key factor.

Second CP breaks up the pace a bit with an indoors chokepoint, where a defending heavy could work wonders. The upper level is more easily accessed by soldiers though, and that allows for different tactics depending on your line-up. Demoman placement here is very important.
Offense here could take advantage of a spy, and should aim for the control of the upstairs. Key to winning 2nd CP is a quick, decisive and a coordinated push where controlling all three levels is important.

Final CP area, running snipers here could be a key to getting the rooftop under your control. Heavy is a good idea too, as the point itself is in a tight area with no chance to avoid direct line of fire, and it also provides sniper cover. You can’t get a foothold on the CP without sufficent firepower, if there is a fattymedic combo on it.

Definitely a map where a HWG can be used with good results, same goes for a skilled sniper (mid, last points.) A pyro would work on the 2nd and the last cap if someone feels like that. :)


great to see more entried coming into the competition :) good stuff


Sweet looking map, would definietely test it :)

My map is called Hilltop, what were the odds ?


Thanks from compliments. I hope the map gets tests asap so I can get to fine-tune the timers.
Odds… not high. :D Hopefully people won’t get confused by two such similar names.


Can always change mine to mountaintop (if it doesnt exist already) or Highgrounds, or even something else, :P



It’s a bit of an unfair advantage on the rest of us… being a map already in the making for quite a while. I know I started mine a week before the contest was announced, but … anyway, good job.



I thought that to begin with too Randdalf, but this contest isn’t about making the best map in a timeframe, it’s about bringing a new competitive map or two into the scene. In my opinion, when the contest is judged, the most balanced and good to play map will win, not the one which looks best or is fancy enough. The only advantage the creator of this map now has is the amount of time they had to playtest and adjust their map, which I think won’t make too much of a difference with the amount of playtesting we have our maps available to.


To clarify, the map in its current state has _not_ been playtested. That is why this contest is a great opportunity for me to get feedback about balancing and gameplay.
Yes, NO earlier playtests for this layout. This map is, IMO, on same stage than any other contest map in terms of gameplay fine-tuning, and I do believe that the judges will not rate the map by its looks and detailwork.

P.S. If someone is about to give the map a playtest, tell me, I’ll gladly come to spectate the event or even play in it. :)


this map is awesome … id be up for a playtest … just have to ask the other rangers and get some equal oponents so this test makes sence


EDIT: I’m currently able to run playtests at a good pace, and this points out the most crucial gameplay tweaks which I will be fixing as quickly as I can. New version will be downloadable when the gameplay is fine-tuned to the point that me and the fellow betatesters feel that a larger scale test is required, or when it seems like the betatests are calming down.


Having some server problems, can’t host our own betatests more today, and I’m going to attend a LAN for the coming three days, that means I could aswell update the newest version to the internets.
Enjoy, _beta2 is now available at the download link in the OP! Changes included are in the TF2maps.net description about the map.



Map played very well in playtest, middle and 2nd CPs were really good, though the last proved very hard to hold against a decently co-ordinated push. I didnt find any bugs worthy of mention, but the overall map was very dark, which made it a bit hard to see the red players.






this needs forward spawning! we had capped the middle point but still spawned at first point?!


This map has been tested on the pick-up test channel.

+ I found it very enjoyable and fun. It can offers very fast “rushed” rounds as well as longs ones.
+ there is a good balance between “vertical” and “horizontal” gameplay.
+ Middle is well conceived and offers a lot of possibilities.

– 2nd/4th is maybe a bit too easy to cap. Maybe you could reduce or remove the wall on the right, in front of the
– last cp is a bit deceiving compared to the others. The yard between door and cap is too large and too open imho. You should at least try to include some obstacles (like last cp on granary) : boxes, truck,…
– arts can be improved. The map is too dark and a lot of spots are too “simple”. But i guess this isn’t a issue yet.

edit: i think the fact that there is no forward spawn isn’t so important because the map is quiet small

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