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Created 9th January 2012 @ 15:12

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sooo cool map i want it



Quoted from djc

hilariously, pro_viaduct is just as sniper-friendly and possibly more sniper-friendly than the default version of the map



There is a new version (rc4).

ETF2L mirror: http://etf2l.org/maps/koth_pro_viaduct_rc4.zip



– map is generally a lot brighter, lights inside the house and the room with the logs http://puu.sh/3szwJ.jpg http://puu.sh/3szxl.jpg http://puu.sh/3szxA.jpg
– lights at cliffside can’t be jumped on anymore http://puu.sh/3szys.jpg
– window ledges near bridge can be jumped on on both sides http://puu.sh/3szyE.jpg
– wooden panels next to the rock on mid are bigger and you can’t wallbang through the one on red side anymore (or at least it’s a bit harder and works on both sides) http://puu.sh/3szzf.jpg
– the rocks at both cliffsides can easily be jumped on to get to the cliff http://puu.sh/3szFj.jpg
– can’t stand on the wooden beams in the middle house anymore http://puu.sh/3tBNg.jpg
– wooden beam to stand on near spawn got removed http://i.imgur.com/dHbpwn7.jpg
– teleporter exploit in spawn fixed
– performance improvement
– fixed various clipping issues
– fixed catwalk metal planks not blocking explosive damage
– rocks near the bridge above the control point block players http://puu.sh/3sCnU.jpg (ty sorrow)
– new unobstructive roofs for unencumbered rocket jumping http://puu.sh/3tCmf.jpg

Last edited by quintosh,



All of my issues with the map have been fixed now. Cheers for running through it so fast.



Sweet, will it be played instead of rc3 in the nations cup?


fk yes



Quoted from quintosh

– the rocks at both cliffsides can easily be jumped on to get to the cliff http://puu.sh/3szFj.jpg




Quoted from quintosh

haven’t found an official changelog yet, but here we go:

– map is generally a lot brighter, lights inside the house and the room with the logs http://puu.sh/3szwJ.jpg http://puu.sh/3szxl.jpg http://puu.sh/3szxA.jpg
– lights at cliffside can’t be jumped on anymore http://puu.sh/3szys.jpg
– window ledges near bridge can be jumped on on both sides http://puu.sh/3szyE.jpg
– wooden panels next to the rock on mid are bigger and you can’t wallbang through the one on red side anymore (or at least it’s a bit harder and works on both sides) http://puu.sh/3szzf.jpg
– the rocks at both cliffsides can easily be jumped on to get to the cliff http://puu.sh/3szFj.jpg

also u cannot jump on the top rocks http://puu.sh/3sCnU.jpg



Quoted from SorroW

also u cannot jump on the top rocks http://puu.sh/3sCnU.jpg

you never could?

edit: just checked it, you’re right :D

Last edited by quintosh,



plz now do the same for snake mid



Quoted from quintosh


you never could?

edit: just checked it, you’re right :D

ill forgive you this time, dont let it happen again :D

Last edited by SorroW,


Dr. med.

Quoted from quintosh

– lights at cliffside can’t be jumped on anymore http://puu.sh/3szys.jpg

Could you before? I always slid down from them. Whatever, as long as the windows can still be jumped on.

– window ledges near bridge can be jumped on on both sides http://puu.sh/3szyE.jpg

Sneaky Spy jumps galore! It has bothered me for a long time that this was possible on one side only to get on the bridge. The other way from the battlements is too difficult in comparison.

– the rocks at both cliffsides can easily be jumped on to get to the cliff http://puu.sh/3szFj.jpg

Is it easier now? It was possible before as well.

Last edited by Selek,



Quoted from Selek

Could you before? I always slid down from them. Whatever, as long as the windows can still be jumped on.

Sneaky Spy jumps galore! It has bothered me for a long time that this was possible on one side only to get on the bridge. The other way from the battlements is too difficult in comparison.

Is it easier now? It was possible before as well.

you could stand on the lamp on red side but you would slide down from the blue side, now they just nocollide

the window ledges could only be jumped on on red side (in highlander used to build a tele on the bridge)

rocks could be jumped on before but it’s much easier now, some people never got the jump right before this update

Last edited by quintosh,



Quoted from Selek

Sneaky Spy jumps galore! It has bothered me for a long time that this was possible on one side only to get on the bridge. The other way from the battlements is too difficult in comparison.

you didnt have to use the window ledge, you could just jump from the boxes, its a bit harder though (you could do this on both sides).

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