cp_granary for season 11 - yes or no
Created 7th January 2012 @ 11:01
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I know that I won’t be voting for it, there are other maps I’d rather play over granary such as croissant, grack, yukon.
See, it’s like the missionary position, a fucking classic, you may want to try other stuff as well but in the end you’ll come back to it, be it only for 1 round.
Last edited by Waebi,
Quoted from AnimaL
Even if you would remove granary, there are only much worse and flawed maps to counter it
…in your opinion.
Quoted from Monkeh
…in your opinion.
ur point?
Other people’s opinion may be that granary is worse than, say warmfront, grack, viaduct, croissant, yukon, freight, bazillion, turbine, colis, fastlane/prolane etc.
I dont think it’s fair to call ALL the other maps out there “much worse and flawed”.
Last edited by Monkeh,
“others” will never be majority, if anything, gullywash will die before granary
Last edited by AnimaL,
What map do u want to play instead of granary?
Why after 4 years of playing it people think it’s not balanced?
Last edited by Mors Immortalis,
IMO it’s a lack of critical thinking towards granary, it is a very boring map with a horrendous midfight, if you want to talk blind mids granary has it and everything in between just isn’t interesting at all, granary only has last cp going for it where teams will almost never push back from cp1 when the teams are on equal footing, same goes for badlands last really but you can’t critique staple maps because they are perfect.
I’m not saying remove them because of these flaws, but honestly take a good look at those maps and realise they have pretty big flaws.
Last edited by Arnold,
Yes lets just pick maps, where a sniper can dominate the whole match.
Quoted from nvc
The removal of granary would kill tf2, more so than that time when etf2l decided to open itself to public weapons.
tf2 can’t handle replacing granary but quake live somehow managed to remove dm6 from mappools despite they dont even have custom maps ?!
new maps = easier times for new teams to get on top since both old and new teams start from square one. would be fun imo. removing granary would have a bigger effect on ALL divisions (a positive one: closer games between old and new teams)
granary is boring when ur bad, just force uber, fall back and block the point with counteruber and in most situations u get 2 points for free.
Yes remove granary there are so many more exciting maps in tf2.
Give us freight instead – tviq sniping on mid, heavy and sentry on last def.
Obscure – so slow + snipers.
Warmfront – snipers.
Last edited by rndmr,
Quoted from cmd
I fail to see a reason other than personal preference to remove it.
Granary should stay.
Some people like obscure_final, others don’t, it’s just personal preference. The whole point of the map poll is to see which map is preferred by the community. I don’t like Granary and therefore I’m not going to vote for it.
Quoted from rndmr
granary is boring when ur bad, just force uber, fall back and block the point with counteruber and in most situations u get 2 points for free.
Wait don’t you mean like… every 5cp map?
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