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Created 19th December 2011 @ 17:40

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Seeing as I’ve done a quick examine of this map and i already prefer it to Snakewater, i thought i’d take a few screens of stuff i found and maybe a few things you could change?

Found this gap in the wall when i went onto the red side of middle. I didn’t find a gap like this on the blue side, i am not sure if it is just me that sees that or other people do.


I also found this bar looking thing that you can walk through.


Is there any chance you could change this ledge so soldiers can jump onto it? Seems quite a good hiding spot or a place where you can look into last from the attacking side.


I was doing a few different rollouts for demo and soldier, i made a few myself but one thing that annoyed me was the ramp from left side spawn doesn’t extend to the wall meaning soldiers jump is quite shorter and doesn’t reach the door.
If possible, could it be extended to the black line where my crosshair is pointing?

One other thing i noticed was these pipes on the flanks can’t be jumped over.

This second screen is just to show how you can’t jump over them which can be annoying if you’re going to flank or bomb a medic after a wipe on middle.

One last thing for now is something i want to say i love and that’s this window here, being able to jump through it made me happy as bombing medics who push that way would be very cool. Please don’t alter these windows.

If any of these screens are bad let me know, just one last thing, i only checked the blue side for bugs or whatever so i’ll check the red side now and see if i can find anything else.


maybe you should abandon your current middle idea and make something new like a marketplace in cs_italy. It would look cool.

Last edited by aura,



Quoted from Josh

Seeing as I’ve done a quick examine of this map and i already prefer it to Snakewater, i thought i’d take a few screens of stuff i found and maybe a few things you could change?

Found this gap in the wall when i went onto the red side of middle. I didn’t find a gap like this on the blue side, i am not sure if it is just me that sees that or other people do.


I also found this bar looking thing that you can walk through.


Is there any chance you could change this ledge so soldiers can jump onto it? Seems quite a good hiding spot or a place where you can look into last from the attacking side.


I was doing a few different rollouts for demo and soldier, i made a few myself but one thing that annoyed me was the ramp from left side spawn doesn’t extend to the wall meaning soldiers jump is quite shorter and doesn’t reach the door.
If possible, could it be extended to the black line where my crosshair is pointing?

One other thing i noticed was these pipes on the flanks can’t be jumped over.

This second screen is just to show how you can’t jump over them which can be annoying if you’re going to flank or bomb a medic after a wipe on middle.

One last thing for now is something i want to say i love and that’s this window here, being able to jump through it made me happy as bombing medics who push that way would be very cool. Please don’t alter these windows.

If any of these screens are bad let me know, just one last thing, i only checked the blue side for bugs or whatever so i’ll check the red side now and see if i can find anything else.

Great post, that’s a lot of good ideas. I don’t really know what causes the first bug, but I found it myself right now. I’ll probably not alter the clipped off things (they are for a reason) but I might add a little ledge in right side lobby (attackers perspective) so you can look out the windows. I’ll definitely extend the ramp right outside spawn, it’s been bugging me as well. And yes, the window is intended :) The main idea is that it’s for demo spam in and out, but bombing through there is definitely viable.



I’ve done another check, I’ve got some more screenshots for you buddy, i really am liking this map now.

I found these anvil looking things around each spawn and they can be walked through.
I was thinking it might be better if you had to jump over them. This is also on both sides, red and blue.

Another set of lights I’ve found aren’t connecting to the wall and you can’t stand on them either, i think it would be good if you were allowed to stand on them. This is also on the blue and red side.

Also I’ve found this pipe here which can be walked through and also there is a small clipping issue if you walk right beside those pipes you get caught half way through. It’s the greyish looking pipe which my crosshair is over that i am referring to.

Also in this area, you can also walk through the sandbags here and on the blue side, you can’t walk through them.

I think someone has already mentioned this bug in the roof and also i am not sure if you meant for soldiers to be allowed to jump up here but it is a major disadvantage to people who win mid because you can tell your team where people push straight away.

Also I’ve found a bug which allows you to see people who are building uber in this corner or possibly see people who are hiding in this corner if you jump as a soldier on one of the roofs on the flanks and this happens on both sides, red and blue.



I think i’ll let you fix the map now until a new version is out and check it for you again after you release a new version :)



Good finds once again! I’ve fixed those I deem need fixing, and I’ll throw an a16 out tonight.

As for mid, I’m still at a loss for ideas that don’t mean removing it and rebuilding it entirely with the same connectors. Feel free to come with ideas!

Last edited by choiie,



Alright, a16 is out: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_quay_a16.bsp.bz2


Some little issues I have found:

You can get up here:

Dunno if this light is intended or not:

This is flying:



Quoted from Leif

You can get up here:

I asked him to do that seeing as it would greatly help bombing soldiers and it is only soldiers that can get up there.



Quoted from Josh


I asked him to do that seeing as it would greatly help bombing soldiers and it is only soldiers that can get up there.

Hm, it’s strange cause I didn’t change anything there at all, I’ll look into it.

Regarding mid, I’ll definitely be doing a complete rework. I’ve been working with different versions of the spire mid, but it seems that concept would need an entirely different approach. In the next few days I’ll try to come up with a new mid, and once again I’d love your feedback.

Thanks for the finds cunlico, make sure you check that wires are enabled in your config though!

Last edited by choiie,



Here’s what I’ve done so far: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/location.PNG



Quoted from choiie


Hm, it’s strange cause I didn’t change anything there at all, I’ll look into it.

Regarding mid, I’ll definitely be doing a complete rework. I’ve been working with different versions of the spire mid, but it seems that concept would need an entirely different approach. In the next few days I’ll try to come up with a new mid, and once again I’d love your feedback.

Thanks for the finds cunlico, make sure you check that wires are enabled in your config though!

Any chance when you’re finished the base work of the map, you could see if you could do some of the ideas i mentioned, i’m only really interested in the hiding spot and jumping over the pipes. The rest would be your choice :p



Quoted from Josh


Any chance when you’re finished the base work of the map, you could see if you could do some of the ideas i mentioned, i’m only really interested in the hiding spot and jumping over the pipes. The rest would be your choice :p

The pipes won’t happen I’m afraid; the possible demo jumps would most likely be way too powerful, not to mention the strongpoint you’d control when on top of the pipes. But I might add some hiding spots; we’ll see about that.



Quoted from choiie

Here’s what I’ve done so far: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/location.PNG

That looks far nicer
It may need some expanding but it looks like you can improve that much more than the previous one



Quoted from Starkie

That looks far nicer
It may need some expanding but it looks like you can improve that much more than the previous one

Yeah, running around as scout it still feels a little tight, but it might prove not to be a bad thing. At least it’s a LOT more open than before.

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