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Created 19th December 2011 @ 17:40

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Quoted from alba

played this last night vs mydbg. it was fun, i liked the idea of the map. i agree that the second point should be at height like with the crane before. Other than that it looks really promising, can’t wait to see the final version of this map :D

Thanks for the kind words.

Here’s some screens of the current progress: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998577229/screenshots/

* Two’s been reworked and moved back a bit
* The lobby should be less messy with a new exit right onto the point and the removal of the lower lobby route
* The “backyard” area has been scrapped
* You can no longer enter lobby up dropdown
* Crane’s now outside the gameplay area

I won’t release a new version until the 6th cup is over, but feel free to give me your feedback, and if you want a runthrough of the latest version contact me here or through steam.


Unfortunately I can’t try the latest version of the map and give you proper feedback, but judging from the screenshots I’d love if you could use some custom textures, change the feel of the map a little bit. Not sure if you are already minding about the visuals or just purely tunning the geometry / gameplay of the map, but at least in my case the usual tf2 textures are getting a bit repetitive :#



Alright, finally b3 is out! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_quay_b3.bsp.bz2

Changes include a completely reworked second point along with some lobby changes. Mid remains more or less the same compared to b2, so if you have some more feedback on that area I’d appreciate it. Screens can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998577229/screenshots/




Updated to b3a to fix the invisible wall near 2: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_quay_b3a.bsp.bz2



Don’t forget to give feedback!



cool mid, hardly any battle on 2nd, last is impossible to defend without uber

getting wiped on mid pretty much means losing the round

Spike Himself


Quoted from quintosh

getting wiped on mid pretty much means losing the round

That goes for most maps, really. It’s why you’d want to fall back before getting wiped ^^



As a div 6 noob, our team found it really fun. Only played 3-4 games on it yet, but loved it! I wish it was in the map pool. It was a great scout map with stuff to jump on everywhere, and as a medic it was great fun, it felt really open, but somewhat closed at the same time. A little like Gullywash



I quite like it. It’s a map that punishes bad holding spots like no other which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Schools comms and paying attention. Mid might be a bit too good for soldiers. Can’t quite tell but it was very, very easy for me to get the Medic. Your Medic is very unsafe on this mid (on a scale from Granary to Process, I give it a Badlands). Second is interesting but may have too many flanking routes although this does give the defending team quite a few options.
The different plateaus on the map are neat but I feel like there’s a few too many hiding spots/camp spots because of it (Nice of you getting rid of most ledges and lamps to stand on. A bit confusing but rather balancing in the end).
Last, as said before, is very vulnerable. The left door might be too close to the point. Ubered out of the door, you get a good 5 seconds of invulnerability on the point but you don’t get an easy prediction where they’ll come from unlike on badlands which is a very balancing factor. Last has too many entrances: Left, Window, right, right window, all of which give you different angles to jump the point.
I really like the flow of this map, however. Feels more like Gullywash than Snakewater, with a more dynamic mid but a much tougher last and despite me listing a lot here, I don’t think I would mind playing this map in a future season as it is now (of course, improvement is always desired).



As a low level scout i didnt like it when we were scrimming the map, it was a bit chaotic and i got confused quite a bit.

when we gathered in mumble and the server on Tuesday our medic didnt show up and i played medic and we had a sub scout. As a medic i love the map, it was easy to coordinate even though we didnt have names for some parts of the map. Attacking second was a bit scary, there is high ground everywhere but teams dont seem to hold outside so we usually could just push in lower.

Mids are okay, the soldiers jumped me a lot but i noticed that hanging around the stairs on “beach” could save my life.

anyway TL;DR

i like the map as medic, not so much as scout



anyway TL;DR

i like the map as medic, not so much as scout

I too loved it as a medic. As you said, easy to coordinate. And even though I got jumped a lot, it was easy to dodge away if I was positioned right. Don’t think I have died fewer times than I did on this map.



Quoted from SuperGunnar


I too loved it as a medic. As you said, easy to coordinate. And even though I got jumped a lot, it was easy to dodge away if I was positioned right. Don’t think I have died fewer times than I did on this map.

cant really compare it since i rarely play medic in 6s but yeah i didnt die much



win mid – take round



I like the mid. It feels good and the area around the capture point as well as the routes to mid (beach, main, bar) all feel nice. Strongest part of the map.

Second feels off. It feels really bitty and the flow doesn’t feel right. Capture point should be a little larger and reach the wall. Weakest part of the map.

Last feels pretty balanced when defending pushes. Pushing out leaves you too vulnerable as you have to push through chokes into areas with height disadvantage. You need too much of an advantage to push out successfully in my opinion. The second point also feels quite far away.

Had three really close games (2 golden caps, one 5-4) and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the map.

Last edited by Munky,



I didn’t feel like 2nd was hard to defend at all. You had the height advantage almost all the time. It was easy for me to just stand on top with some of my team mates, and then uber down and block the point.

I found last somewhat hard to hold/push out of, but we’re not so good at holding/pushing from last anyways. I guess we could have had a roamer on the crates or something to get height advantage. The biggest problem for me, was that it was hard if not impossible to run into spawn again. On Gullywash I can just run into spawn, heal up, switch side and not die. On this map this was impossible

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