I make maps! Here are some of them.
Created 7th October 2011 @ 01:57
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Hi there!
Okay, so I make a ton of maps. I’m primarily aimed at the competitive scene and would love people to play my maps in leagues. Part of this, of course, is getting people to play maps, and provide feedback so I can improve them. This is going to be my attempt at a consolidated thread for all my mapping, past present and futtututure. Any feedback is appreciated; demos, stv’s, raving drunken abuse, sexually suggestive pictures, ANYTHING!
Okay, so we’ll start with my three most recent projects:
(pictures are from a SLIGHTLY older version, but for the most part the major geometry is the same)
Metalworks is a reboot of my map cp_resonance, which some of you might remember from ageeesss ago. It was a pretty awesome comp 5cp, up until the point where I fucked it up due to my newbie mapping techniques, leading to horrible framerates. Metalworks is a remake, aimed at fixing the frames, improving the detail work, and all-in-all making for a better competitive environment. Metalworks was in the vote for esea season 9, but the gravelpit shenanigans knocked it out of contention in a landslide. Its been played once in the ozfl, and many of the improvements have come from feedback there, as well as from esea invite feedback and other open feedback.
Process is a 5cp map based largely on Sigma’s theory on the perfect map. Granary middle, badlands second, and well last. The map doesn’t QUITE match up with that, with quite a bit of remixing and work arounds for nonexistent spots, but it does have quite a bit of the dynamics of those three points. Its my attempt to pander or cater specifically to the comp player, with everything from the art style to the lighting shying away from things players hate (NO SNOW!).
Would really love some playtests if people are up for it. Its the map I’m least sure of what to improve on at the moment.
Standin is a remake of the map cp_fallout by spas12. Fallout was quite interesting with a domination gametype that led to some dynamic play. Unfortuntely, the maps lack of symmetry, horrible framerates and somewhat poor planning make it pretty much impossible to play in a comp league. So, I started from scratch with some of the maps layout and features as a guide for creating standin (PUNSSSS)!
Standin, while being quite unique and with a very different feel to it, does in some ways play out like a 5cp map. Players rush middle, the winning team usually captures mid, and concedes one of the other points to the opposing team. From there, defenders attempt to wipe the enemy, so they can retake middle, backcaps ensue at all sorts of odd times and angles, and variety end up in a vareity of interesting flanking positions and attacks. Overall, our playtests on it have been superb, and I would love for people to give it a try.
Standin is scheduled to be played in ESEA season 10.
Wow. Thats a lot of time and effort you’ve put in on those, nice job, I’ll download them tomorrow and have a poke around :)
first things i notice on process: the ledge on the ceiling in spawn is annoying as hell + dem sniper sightlines; apart from that it look pretty sweet, looking forward to testing it.
Metalworks mid seems pretty sweet :>
also: added them to map pack
looks great mate
but could you tell us where the screen-shots are, for example:
mid cp
lobby/yard between mid/2nd
2nd cp
last cp
Sorry about that, I’ll provide that info here.
This is the house connector between second and middle. Medium health pack on the ledge near the door.
Second point, with the two upper entrances. There is another entrance below that flanks around towards last.
Holding area behind second, medium healthpack in the alcove.
This is last with the point on the lower area. Keep in mind, last has changed a bit in rc1, there is now a cargo container/crates stack next to the point where the handrails used to be.
Middle. This has changed a bit as well, in terms of whats below the point and some of the areas around the point.
This is the two yard entrances to second. Yard really doesn’t play out like a yard does in granary, its much more of a flank/valley that facilitates defensive pushes back to mid.
This is the second, mini spire. Its not nearly as dynamic as spire is, but it has a lot of the same height and combat situations that often emerge at spire.
Middle. A remixed version of granary, with some more open sightlines. Keep in mind that the second flank entrance to mid is in a slightly different position in the latest version.
Last, some slight changes in the most recent version. The area above the point is now closed in, so teams camping up there can’t really bomb onto the point to get defenders off. This may be subject to change, i’m not sure which version I prefer at the moment.
Sewer connector between middle and second. Mostly used for flanking, and health for scouts.
Second again, slightly different angle.
Control point B in the middle of the map. Quite frequently teams push this first, as it provides significant advantages when pushing the other two points.
Control point A on the southern end of the map. Currently, this is a very scout friendly point that i’m looking to adjust.
Control point C inside the northen part of the map. Soldiers tend to have quite an ability to bomb here, so players on the point have to be ready to back out.
Spawn to C connector area.
Spawn to A connector. Both the spawn to X connectors have routes to reach B as well.
I like the sheer enthusiasm, with all these maps, nice work! =)
[Deleted middle part, seems it isn’t really relevant.]
Still very nicely done!
Last edited by MR JOHNSON,
Quoted from MR JOHNSON
I have to add to this, that this post is a response to me saying it would be best to put up a map thread on etf2l for feedback (in a forum post on tf2maps about the new doublemix group that crashsite started)
Hey Vero. No worries. Regarding what you said, metalworks is pretty much finished, just waiting on league play to make those final adjustments. Process and standin are both in need of balance tweaks and some visual changes, but they are both pretty easy to change at this point, so I wouldn’t see myself as being overworked really. Thanks for the thought though, I agree that not polishing can be pretty silly.
Wow these map look so good esthetical. Great work!
After playing these maps it is clear that you have nearly no idea about how team fortress 2 gameplay works.
Awful Awful Awful.
The map itselfs look great.
But they are completly NOTHING for 6v6. Sorry mate. Doesnt allow a good gameflow.
Might be fun on pubs though.
Last edited by Tawks,
Having just played Metalworks and Process, I have some points.
First there is no overall tone to any of your maps, they are just a collection of items. The names are so generic and it comes across in the maps. The items you throw around are random at best and the only thing we liked was ticket office on Process.
With Metalworks it is a horribly flat map, lots of running for medic on rollout. The number of medium med packs is horrible and our soldiers found them inconveniently placed. There are far too many entrances to every point. Mid was ok, but lack of height is a killer. I found it really easy to backcap 2nd as there were 100 places I could go. There seemed no proper chokes, which lead to fight be spread out and almost seemed not designed for 6v6, as pushes were not concentrated anywhere. This is also one of ugliest maps out there, expect for maybe cp_trio, gray and brown everywhere.
On Process there is no reason for the five entrances on last, it becomes a guessing game to where they are coming on. Mid was cluttered with props and looks and plays bad. The center is just a mess. It also seems really wide. Scouts also got there really fast and could pressure demo fast. The high ground on mid is useless as you get destoryed. The sewers were useless as they were so easily stickied, same with right area. The sewers were never used because sollys could control it so easy.
Bear in mind this was Vanilla. Out of the two maps cp_Process was the preferred. If I can think of more points will come back.
These maps would probably work better as Highlander maps than as 6v6 maps. It’s so hard to control all positions without having to spread out to an extent where your team can basically be picked off if your opponents are pushing from a certain direction.
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