Need mapper for New Payload Map
Created 4th November 2010 @ 20:43
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As I tell all new mappers if they say “I want someone else to do this for me”…
Do it yourself.
right i really want u to do this for myself -.-‘, im just asking for some help not to build the whole map. Some building ideas and texturing.
Ah, misread your first post then. I thought you wanted a whole new map made from scratch.
I’d suggest then heading on over to The people there are pretty helpful and there’s definitely some inspiration threads.
Also, I wasn’t trying to imply that I refuse to do it, though I could see how that could happen. I just meant that you really should do it yourself, since mapping’s a rewarding process. That, and people like to throw ideas around and ask for someone else to do it, which is kinda not sort of a good idea.
nah i just need some good ideas for the map taking in mind what it’s suposed to be, if they can help me texture and stuff great if not well no problem it will take longer but it will eventually be done
Payload is fucking amazing
Quoted from Pendji
snow badlands for december tourney. go.
Pretty sure we had a copy of this in ne, not 100% sure though.
I know we had snowbowl (christmas dustbowl!)
Has i said almost no textures have been put into the map so basicaly it’s on dev textures only pl_orangex_omg xD.
I don’t think NE had badlands with snow, only dustbowl.
Last edited by deviland,
Quoted from Pendji
snow badlands for december tourney. go.
Considering everyone has the badlands source file, it’s around a 2/3day job ;) As someone arrogantly said, “Do it yourself” :D
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