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cp_snakewater | final1 released!

Created 25th August 2010 @ 15:28

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mid reminds me of cp_stark

i wanna play!



As promised b3 is fueled up, ready to go: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_snakewater_b3.bsp.bz2

changelog b3:
Fixed LOTS of clipping errors
Fixed texture errors, bad displacements and structures clipping through ceilings
Fixed tanks near last not being solid
Moved the forward respawn door a bit
Increased the spawn wave times when attacking last slightly
Increased the spawn wave times when attacking second slightly
Exchanged the logs on the train near second for crates
Removed the logs above second cap
Added an opening in the fence near to second to add another attack route
Made the crane above second non-solid
Re-added spectator cameras (no idea how they disappeared)
Lowered the shacks near last cap
Increased the height of the ground near mid
Made the vault doors in bottom lobby a tad wider
Made the windows on dropdown one-way
Made a roof near mid accessible
Replaced the prop window
Extended the balcony overlooking second to make the dropdown a bit more viable



b4 is out: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_snakewater_b4.bsp.bz2

changelog b4:
Small fixes and changes
Fixed a few more clipping errors
Replaced the wooden platform near second
Removed an annoying support near dropdown along with some tires
Fixed a few slight imbalances
Changed a few ramps to avoid glitches
Moved the fences near second a bit to prevent a sightline
Removed a crate near the train on second
Tweaked lighting to make the map a bit brighter
Moved the respawn when pushing last
Moved the spawn locations slightly
Tweaked the dropdown


no other map than that one in the next MNM.


i totally agree with achy snake water looks to be a very promising map and from the feedback i’ve been given from the previouse alpha and beta stages the map should have grate potential in a comp 6v6 format

Go SØØØØD :D<333



TLR made another fragclip from snakewater, here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATXiraF0lSo


This map is amazing. Probably one of the best unofficial maps for this game for all time.

Unfortunately my English is very bad for the good feedback about layout and gameplay problems. But I’ll try to help you find a visual problems.

Here is one example:

On this side of the window transparent http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/4082/cpsnakewaterb40001.jpg
And from this side is not http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/4306/cpsnakewaterb40000.jpg

This is disadvantage

P.S. Lazy bastards from higher divisions. Stop playing Granlands. Help create a good map for your own community

Last edited by Del,



This map is absolutely fantastic. In my personal opinion it’s far better than Obscure.
Quite sad that people are wasting their time to make maps for our community and they don’t get used.



looks awesome. Wanna try this in 6v6 game.



Freight №2, lol.
Very nice for snipers :|
Want to try it 6v6.



Wow, thanks for the response! I’m glad there’s finally some reaction from the european community, and hopefully people will be trying it out to give me feedback and help me improve the map further!

From what I’ve noticed in playtesting, there havent been any problems with snipers on the map, and the comment about Freight #2 is new to me. It’s interesting feedback though, so keep it coming!



idk, it seems like freight to me :]
This map looks more interesting then other custom maps (obscure,gully,coldfront)

Last edited by Ensign,


Demo rollout from Zer0


Last edited by Del,



It seems my map will be played in the next season of ESEA which is obviously huge, but on the other hand doesnt leave me too much time for tweaks and changes. The plan right now is to keep mid as it is and get the changes on last done in the next few days. After that an RC1 version with more detailing, additional optimization and general streamlining of clipping and so on will be released some time around when the league starts.


I left you a couple of screenshots with stuff that could be fixed on the MGE forums.
Here I have a couple more:
You can see through here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11430411/Imagenes/cp_snakewater_b4%20%281%29.jpg

This “wood stick” or whatever looks weird on the roof:

This lacks a texture:

This isn’t leveled:

This looks weird (cut it maybe?):

There is a bug with this texture, it keeps changing depending on how you look at it:

And you can see respawn and a couple other places through this little space in a window:

It’s just tiny details, but I hope it helps…

Last edited by compleat,

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