
cp_snakewater | final1 released!

Created 25th August 2010 @ 15:28

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I like this idea :3


Quoted from AnimaL

Can you improve the lightning please?




I’m pretty sure you’ve fixed most of these bugs but I’ll go ahead and report them anyway.

– You can see kitchen through mid, by looking under the control point.
– You can hide in the windows above the entrance to lobby from second on blue side, but not on red side.
– Stickies placed on second forward spawn don’t bounce off, they float in the air when the door is opened.
– The clipping is bad on some places. Especially the last point and under the second point, since a lot of fights happen in these areas.


ist doof

Quoted from choiie

Alright, I’ve been tinkering with a new version of Snake, and I’ve got some screenshots while internal testing commences:

The idea is to make pushing out easier through blocking off sniper sightlines and giving much more room for attackers. Tell me what you think!

If there’s any bugs you’ve find through the almost 2 years (wow!) since the release, now’s the time to tell me! A few have been fixed already (crate discrepancy on mid, missing spawnroom on BLU, etc), but I’m sure there are more out there!

I don’t get these changes you show on the screens. Don’t they make pushing last harder? This way, you can’t play with a sniper as effectively and four man suicides are harder (both because of the new fence). You have to push über vs. über more and that’s just bound to fail on snakewater last because of the ground you have to cover until you reach the enemy medic. On a positive note, the defending flank can’t keep out the attacking flank as easily because there’s more room to utilise on the house side. Also, I don’t think the changes to the last point make pushing out easier. Backcap hiding spots stay the same, there are still 3 routes to last and most importantly, the attacker’s forward spawn is still too close to second.

Last edited by feeling,



have you fixed the shadows leaking through walls?



how about adding more lightning on snake mid, its too dark


Quoted from kustom3

Something that annoys me, is that sometimes after switching class at the beginning of a round, you get to spawn on the left side of the spawn room. It can really affect the rollout depending which class get that outcast spawn location.


and I think there’s nothing wrong with snake last, honestly I dont think those sightlines are much of a worry, they are easily spammable from both positions and easily countered as well…

Honestly think bug fixing is enough, no need to change last


I think the problem wit last is about getting tons of spam. If you push right side (from attacking view) you have to pop because of the sticky trap and that’s good, but everyone that doesnt push with combo is on position disadvantage (spamming under and right is easy because of bottom/tower) and is too far from the medic, whereas the defending team can get easier heals.
Either way, if you push left you will probably be force to pop early.

I think that if you want to make push last easier you should either (someone refute me if you think these are bad ideas):
1) approach the tower on the right closer to the spawn, so the solly has either to hold on the ground close or hold backward, maybe instead of the camion.
2) making the left exit of lobby (attacking prospective) closer to the point
3) make all the lobby closer to the point
4) make dropdown viable for attackers to push in some sort of way like granary top



Quoted from feeling

I don’t get these changes you show on the screens. Don’t they make pushing last harder? This way, you can’t play with a sniper as effectively and four man suicides are harder (both because of the new fence). You have to push über vs. über more and that’s just bound to fail on snakewater last because of the ground you have to cover until you reach the enemy medic. On a positive note, the defending flank can’t keep out the attacking flank as easily because there’s more room to utilise on the house side. Also, I don’t think the changes to the last point make pushing out easier. Backcap hiding spots stay the same, there are still 3 routes to last and most importantly, the attacker’s forward spawn is still too close to second.

The push is less choked and is harder to spam from left side.



To sum up what I want to do with the next version:

– Shadows leaking through should be gone
– Final forward spawn moved back to make recapping 2 easier
– Opening up the left hand side attack route to give attackers an advantage and protect pushers from snipers
– Make the map brighter throughout
– ?

Quoted from feeling

I don’t get these changes you show on the screens. Don’t they make pushing last harder? This way, you can’t play with a sniper as effectively and four man suicides are harder (both because of the new fence). You have to push über vs. über more and that’s just bound to fail on snakewater last because of the ground you have to cover until you reach the enemy medic. On a positive note, the defending flank can’t keep out the attacking flank as easily because there’s more room to utilise on the house side.

The idea is to open up the area and protect pushers from snipers. Right now the fence+rock creates a really narrow area which basically leaves no option but ubering early. Now there’s a small high ground for attackers to move up on, and snipers are really nerfed.



The biggest issues with Snakewater, IMO, has always been that last is too hard to push, second is too difficult recap coming from last, and you cannot run backwards without getting stuck on random objects (clipping). This causes a great portion of the map to played as a stale-mate around last point, which is a shame since I really like playing on the rest of the map.

I think I’ve said this before, maybe even in this very thread, but I think you should:

1) Move the last cap point further down the slope, away from the spawn area.

2) Move the fourth-point spawn farther back (just behind mid seems reasonable)

3) improve clipping to make backpedaling much more forgiving



this is awesome :D


1. It’s not hard capping last, people just seem to be really bad at it.

2. It’s not hard recapping second, people just seem to be really bad at it.

3. Snakewater is a great map.


yes ace, but it also is easy to defend 4th and turtle down in a way that its very hard to repush from last… thats the bigger issue imo



As a side point (not game changing in any way), is it possible to make it so the skybox can be changed when making a frag movie? Just curious :P

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