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Weapon Limits And Bans

Created 11th January 2010 @ 18:30

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You could be right with the schedule, but do you already know the result of the change and therefore don’t need a review ?

I doubt it.


+1 admins

Give me Demo limit 2, just limit stickiy launcher (either type) to 1. Since it was the sticky launcher that slowed games to a stop, not the nades the limit is no longer needed


I want to change from Scout to Targe when pushing last :p



TDH is fucking fail at least till mid skill … have not seen anyone who had a chance with that gun oh wow sometimes they get a lucky shot but hey they are always bottom fragging they are failing against scouts even against “w+m1 scouts” =D they mostly do not deal enoth area dmg wow soldier with that gun is not more dangerous than a medic. And about the noob friendlyness i suck with that gun and crafted it sofortly after i tested it, it is not fucking noobfriendly airshotting is so fucking hard with thoose fast rockets shooting the floor is way more easyer to kill people.

But perrys idea is great either ban or allow it totally. I am up for banning TDH, FaN und buff bannder but shield and sword is cool i am getting 30% less killed because of that, no stiky traps anymore =)

I agree that the old rocket launcher is preferable to the TDH in most situations.
However, when it comes to hitting flying targets I would say the TDH is more noobfriendly since you don’t have to predict the trajectory of the target very much (unless the target is far away).
If the targets are close enough you can just point and click (scouts might still be a problem though since they move so fast, there you need a slight prediction).

If you are used to the old RL I can understand that it can be a little hard to adapt to this new weapon though.

Last edited by Iller,

Give me Demo limit 2, just limit stickiy launcher (either type) to 1. Since it was the sticky launcher that slowed games to a stop, not the nades the limit is no longer needed

8 rollers nty



Minicrits were a nice idea that haven’t worked, the max damage is too high. We ask Valve to drop both and lower damage fall off to keep balance. If they do this there probably isn’t even a need to limit the gun to 1 per team. We have direct contact and have been asked for feedback so there is no reason to assume if we make sensible reasoned suggestions like this they wont be taken up.

Banning all unlocks beyond the medic ones is going to do so much damage to the chances of getting more people from publics to play 6v6. Telling someone all the cool weapons valve have given them to use over the last 2+ years and that they have got good with are banned because some people didn’t like how others affected the game is not going to make things any easier to sell with the existing opinion held by pub players about the competitive scene. For those of you at the top end who don’t get why this is a bad thing more people taking up 6v6 means more spectators for the big games and LANs which is always brought up when trying to sell the game to mgos and sponsors.



Perry gets a good point with the “allow or no limit” thing.
The more you add rules and limits like that, the more playing a game has constraints. We must have simple rules.

Actually for the new soldiers weapons i think the rules given are the best options because their influence over the game is not totally evaluated, plus the fact that you know few tweaks are in valve’s roadmap. Maybe revise the rule for season 8, when weapons will no more be in beta state and we can all have a clear view on their influence on the competitive game.

On the other side for the old weapons (Fan and Sandman), i would prefer a clear rule like ban or allow. The fan has been nerfed a lot and is no more annoying and frustrating for oppenents (THE problem), it’s actually a clear downgrade of the scattergun and if a team runs 2 fan-scouts i wouldn’t bet on them for the win. But the FAN allow some cool tacticals options (triple jump, 2 fast shoot, a light Knockback) so there’s no reason to ban it and no reason to limit it to 1 unless you expect some change from valve (Wich would be fair regarding how useless is this weapon atm)

The sandman is a clearly not a sidegrade but a downgrade with -15hp on the wearer and the successives nerfs/unerfs from valve made this weapon less frustrating than when it was released. But despite, that the sandman is STILL very frustrating for the oppenents, in fact the only feature the sandman has is a thing that is frustrating for the openents. Even if the fact that you have to re-think about allowing it in etf2l is understandable since his nerf, i think it’s bad for the competitive game be cause it’s only a negative weapon. And the “limit 1” thing is pain in the ass for all.

Last edited by Keyro,


It always takes a couple of weeks after an update before valve releases major balances to new unlocks. For example backburner losing its +50 hp and ambassador getting headshot crits.
So if there are going to be balances I expect them this week or the the next one. But certainly not when the season ends.

ETF2l Staff wants to learn the hard way. Apparently they learned nothing of what happened with the sandman unlock and what the community thought about that weapon when they allowed it to the league. With this kind of decisions the etf2l team shows they doesnt seem to interest and listen to the competitive community.

IIRC the biggest problem with the sandman was the fact that the rules changed in the middle of the season.

I also don’t really think the majority here wants them banned.
It’s always the same few people that you see posting.

Last edited by xtala,

Minicrit has nothing to do with TDH effectiveness, coz the main advantage of this weapon is not heavily increased air damage, but increased rocket speed (surprise!) and increased base damage, so u can easily 1-shot stupid predictable scouts. I think ppl whining about TDH being OP simply can not adapt to changes, moreover, unwilling to change. For example, I saw a lot of ppl jumping before me carrying TDH, while they should be strafing instead.
Plus, the effectiveness of TDH completely depends on the skill of the soldier using it. So u r limiting weapon that requires skills because it is not suitable for competitive play? No, seriously, WTF?

Do not see any reasoning behind sandman and fan limit 1 in their current state as well. They were nerfed enough to completely allow them.



TDH doesn’t take skill, any soldier with an ounce of aim will excel with it.

Hopefully Valve will castrate it just like they did with the FaN.

TDH doesn’t take skill, any soldier with an ounce of aim will excel with it.

Bullshit. You may try it urself and post results here later.

Btw, the amount of damage done with TDH during a match is roughly even compared to damage done with regular rocket launcher. For example, http://pmod.etboosts.com/_test/testrepo.php?idx=11


rockit like

TDH doesn’t take skill, any soldier with an ounce of aim will excel with it.

Bullshit. You may try it urself and post results here later.

Btw, the amount of damage done with TDH during a match is roughly even compared to damage done with regular rocket launcher. For example, http://pmod.etboosts.com/_test/testrepo.php?idx=11

Tried it. EASYMODE.



really. skill. on that weapon? [LOL]


How much rockets out of one clip do you hit on the average?



If you are used to the old RL I can understand that it can be a little hard to adapt to this new weapon though.

It is.


Whats the point in having a weapon that slows the game down even more in its current state?

Scouts have to keep distance from a TDH solly to not get one shotted Other classes cant jump over they get easily shot midair and die instantly.

So everyone stays on the ground and you cant take any risks. Thats exactly my definition of fun in tf2.

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