Weapon Limits And Bans
Created 11th January 2010 @ 18:30
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Yea stagnation. The point is the weapons are not balanced as they are atm. Noone even denies that. So lets limit it to 1 and see hat happens?
The way it seems to be atm is that most teams we play want to play vanilla. Like Jones said, noone wants to play a game where luck is important. Or just the fact that you get annoyed by something so often that u will rather avoid it at all.
Tell me one other game that has limited weapons due to balance issues?!
If you want to keep the unlocks then go for tftrue and balance them.
But dont limit unbalanced things, its really stupid and makes no sense.
I get your point but I can only speak from a personal perspective. We’ve had more teams wanting unlocks than not in matches recently and I really enjoy the new dynamic of, say the buff banner, in matches. Yeah TDH can be annoying when you instagib when falling 2 feet or jumping, but I believe they will get a tweak or two soon in an update.
I have no idea about other competitive games as TF2 is the first, (and only), game I’ve played online.
Limit 1 makes an OP weapon not too OP if you get me. I mean, if one team has two sollies who have been using nothing but TDH since it was available, plays another team who simply haven’t used it, then if it is seriously OP then the one team has no chance. Limiting to one means we get a leveller playing field….. maybe.
Dont really care even its slightly OP, my problem lies how it affects the general gameplay of TF2. If the other team fields TDH only way to even it out is that you use one also.
My experience is when both teams use TDH that the games are slowed down and gets really boring. No jumping, no rj and scouts needs to stay far away in the fear of getting one shotted.
A railgun in a game where the fastest moving character is 50% slower than standard quake movement speed.
Take away minicrits, dmgcap to 120 and it might be a proper sidegrade. Rather not see it in play at all. Other unlocks are relatively useless except equalizer and dont see it having any negative effects.
So in short ill try my best to deny appe not to use TDH in S7 and call everyone who use em lame, noobs and ragequit as often as possible.
Agree with Darn. It just makes the game more boring.
Since any newbie easily can airshot people with the TDH everyone have to avoid jumping and rocket jumping which takes away a large part of the fun of playing soldier.
Last edited by Iller,
Until TDH gets “fixed” I can’t understand why it’s allowed at the first place, one shotting almost every class from other side of the map jumping/running down stairs/dropping from small ledge just doesn’t seem to make any sense, pro-weapon some dare to argue. For Valve to tell that there is fix coming, great, but when?
With sandman and FaN there came some fixes, then some more, and more, until it was suitable(not yet?) for professional gaming, perhaps we see one before s8-9 starts for TDH…
If people cba to find a consensus regarding weapons that need balancing (i.e. at least TDH and Equalizer) with TFTrue, send a clear signal to Valve:
Based on the actual situation we would ban them, but review them right after the weapon updates.
That’s more reliable than to allow them and awaiting changes that will most likely come (without a clear signal) when the season ends.
Last edited by atreides,
following perry’s state of mind:
Let’s remove all class limits, quote: either ban them completely or allow them.
Nonetheless i dont agree with the weapons added to s7: sandman, shield, sword, tdh(in its current form) all should be banned.
However no team will use 2x fan even if its allowed, so to keep perry from whining more, remove limit on fan, so he can get raped by 2 fans at the same time.
Just lemme be on your mumble when that happens, should be good
Last edited by Exfane,
I dont understand why the fuck we need sandman in competitive tf2.
WANT RETARDED STUN?GO PUB its way easier to eat stun shit than putting it into competitive tf2.Atleast both teams have to agree on weps phew
Last edited by alfa,
double post…
Last edited by alfa,
so enemies can use 1 tdh withouth asking us?
Agree with Darn. It just makes the game more boring.
Since any newbie easily can airshot people with the TDH everyone have to avoid jumping and rocket jumping which takes away a large part of the fun of playing soldier.
TDH is fucking fail at least till mid skill … have not seen anyone who had a chance with that gun oh wow sometimes they get a lucky shot but hey they are always bottom fragging they are failing against scouts even against “w+m1 scouts” =D they mostly do not deal enoth area dmg wow soldier with that gun is not more dangerous than a medic. And about the noob friendlyness i suck with that gun and crafted it sofortly after i tested it, it is not fucking noobfriendly airshotting is so fucking hard with thoose fast rockets shooting the floor is way more easyer to kill people.
But perrys idea is great either ban or allow it totally. I am up for banning TDH, FaN und buff bannder but shield and sword is cool i am getting 30% less killed because of that, no stiky traps anymore =)
Based on the actual situation we would ban them, but review them right after the weapon updates.
That’s more reliable than to allow them and awaiting changes that will most likely come (without a clear signal) when the season ends.
It always takes a couple of weeks after an update before valve releases major balances to new unlocks. For example backburner losing its +50 hp and ambassador getting headshot crits.
So if there are going to be balances I expect them this week or the the next one. But certainly not when the season ends.
Based on the actual situation we would ban them, but review them right after the weapon updates.
That’s more reliable than to allow them and awaiting changes that will most likely come (without a clear signal) when the season ends.
It always takes a couple of weeks after an update before valve releases major balances to new unlocks. For example backburner losing its +50 hp and ambassador getting headshot crits.
So if there are going to be balances I expect them this week or the the next one. But certainly not when the season ends.
Well I really hope so, but have valve said what tweaks they will be doing? IMHO the should have stayed @ unlocks banned unless agreed by both teams unless we see the changes valve make.
It always takes a couple of weeks after an update before valve releases major balances to new unlocks. For example backburner losing its +50 hp and ambassador getting headshot crits.
So if there are going to be balances I expect them this week or the the next one. But certainly not when the season ends.
ETF2l Staff wants to learn the hard way. Apparently they learned nothing of what happened with the sandman unlock and what the community thought about that weapon when they allowed it to the league. With this kind of decisions the etf2l team shows they doesnt seem to interest and listen to the competitive community.
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