
Class Limit 1/2 - Reasoning

Created 21st August 2008 @ 22:50

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Since we’re not allowed to reason/sway in the “vote” for Demo Limit 1 thread I find myself wondering what it is you’re all so scared of. The reson for having other player classes is to even the game up. An eng defends, a heavy attacks and a medic assists.

Why not open the game up and play it the way it was built? Trust that teams are able to find a happy medium rather than forcing your own Droconian measures and limitations?

If there was no class limit would everyone go Heavy/Medic and if they did would a team of spies/scouts be smiling in the wings? Don’t you think we’d all figure out the right way to play?

pff not again this discussion, just let the vote does his work. its very clear that most people think it should be limited, than let the democratic rulez speak!


I guess you weren’t around back in october when clans ran around with 3 medics, 3 soldiers and crits on? The way we play now IS the way the community has found the best. Go play a few games without class limits and see how fun it is.


RaWr ::

The reason why I won’t let people post things like this on the other thread as it degenerates in to useless comments like “2x DEMO RULES L2COUNTER NYYBENS” which really, is not productive. I will monitor this one, if it gets flamey etc it will be closed

Also because I want to be able to take the totals in on the other thread without having to do any more hair splitting than i have to :>



Okay, I get the whole thing about limiting responses. Moderating isn’t a fun job when people want to derail the subject. Speaking of which…..

How about you run an “anything goes” league/day? Would be curious to see what the weapon of choice would be in the end.


RaWr ::

That could actually be quite fun :D

demomen are rather overpowered atm, so a temporary demolimit to 1 untill valve nerfs them would be nice. even valve admitted that they are overpowered

they do admitt that??? aha! admitting is the first step in change!

(could you show me link plz treigzak) (k)

Here it is, valve saying that demoman is overpowered:



its a stupid idea to remove tbh. it seems to aim to constraining all teams to use 2solly 1 medic 1demo 2scout combinations. seems ridiculous to me but obviusly there is a big call for it. how about a 1 solly limit next?


lol @ the statement by people who think demo’s are overpowered, only thing i’d nerf in a demo is either

a) the amount of stickies i.e. from 8 to 6


b) 8 stickies but the damage done by 1 should be -25hp less. So a scout can’t die from 1 sticky.

As for other than that i’d ask you to go play demo and see how you do 1 on 1 combat when someone pops up out of the blue in your face see how “easy” it is to defend yourself and not die. :-)



Oh and valve saying demo is over powered must mean it is? What with all the other “amazing” stuff they’ve done to the game by bringing in a sandwich? Also putting gates on granary? And many other things etc… 8-)


Yeah i kinda agree with byte here, obviously i’m likeley to be biased as i play demo but when you’re getting to the stage where finally (after tonnns oftf2 training etc) you’re starting to finally be able to be sucessful as demo in clanwars (as byte pointed out it’s extremeley hard indeed to fight almost anyone 1v1 and just be a sucessful demo in general) then everyone is saying it’s overpowered and valve are going to nerf it it’s a bit lame so i don’t think that arguement could be used here, i think demo takes just as much if not more >;8 skill than certain other classes, perhaps alot of the reasoning for them bieng overpowered comes from people’s experience with extremeley good demomen…cough byte :p, and really if you’re that good at any class…you’re bound to be good ! however i do agree 2 demo’s locks down most clanwars and makes them boring :>


RaWr ::

Its annoying that the reason demolimit 1 is called for is because demo is slightly over powered, something valve could fix quite easily with bytes suggestions.

I guess 24 demo-projectiles in an area, all at once is ott, at least soldier is 8 at max.


Im THAT good!

I think to put a limit on it is a bit weird, no they are not overpowered and I think the vote won’t work cause people will just go: Oh I use 1 demo anyway, not like they care then they’ll just vote for 1, while teams with 2 demomen have worked on their tactics with it and mainly have 2 good demomen in a team and not ie. 2 good soldiers you’re kind of needing to kick one of your demoman out of your clan.. bit odd in my opinion?


RaWr ::

You could turn that argument around and say that teams with only 1 demoman and who struggle to counter 2x demo tactics, could kick a sol just to get another good demoman and therefore rendering all their tactics useless……. :)

You could also say that teams who dont care would put “dont care”, there is an option to do so :/

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