
Well Jump - Allowed? Oo

Created 15th August 2009 @ 18:51

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This specific way over is only one one side.

FAN allows scouts to go over either side.
hence ban? :O lol


This specific way over is only one one side.

FAN allows scouts to go over either side.
hence ban? :O lol

You can jump on both sides without using the FaN.


This specific way over is only one one side.

FAN allows scouts to go over either side.
hence ban? :O lol

You can jump on both sides without using the FaN.

Yeah, to elaberate you can jump ontop of the lamp and then over (the high lamp) or you can jump on the little lamp by the train on one side for one team (i think it was blue?)


the train on the left (from the red side) and on the right (from the blu side) can be jumped over by simply perfectly crouch jumping onto it after jumping on the lights near the railway: you dont need any lamp :p


the train on the left (from the red side) and on the right (from the blu side) can be jumped over by simply perfectly crouch jumping onto it after jumping on the lights near the railway: you dont need any lamp :p

Used to be you could only do that on one side :S musta been fixed…


its still “one” side but both teams can perform it: the train is just slightly less high

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