
Stopwatch for Season 2

Created 19th February 2008 @ 22:50

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Gravelpit and dustbowl make baby jesus cry because of their eternal draws. Add stopwatch rules for theese maps in season 2, unless valve adds a stopwatch mode themselves (highly unlikely).


it will be a lot more interesting with stopwatch yes..


it's a farm

We would use it if somebody makes a stopwatch plugin :P


About the score for Gravel Pit with stopwatch:
I don´t think it´s good to score 3-0 if one team won both rounds faster. Of course that team should get more points, but 0 for the other?
Why not 2-1?
Is it fair to get nothing with still having 6 points capped?
But ok, i´m not admin i don´t flame or whine. It´s just a question about the way to score that map.
6 caps are 6 caps, and therefor a team should get anything for that fact.
Just think about some cases: One player drops or one has severe lag and can´t move for some time. Than that team get´s nothing even if it manages to cap all points?
That didn´t happen in our case, but it´s still something that can occour in the future.
I really think: 1 point for both if it ended 6-6, and one extra-point for the faster team, no extra point if both teams won one round faster. Or even 1 extra point for a faster round, so it´s possible to get 3-1 points for the map.
Whatever. Maybe i´m alone with my opinion. But i just wanted to share my thoughts.

Greets, Haakon

And excuse my bad english :)



i think it is a good idea to give:
+3 points who wins without stopwatch
+2 points who wins with stopwatch
+1 point who lose with stopwatch, or in case one team wins round 1 and the other team round 2 in gravelpit
0 points who lose without stopwatch

Another thing… it’s not so fair to give a win to a team which for example wins with only 10 seconds of difference in stopwatch… why not set a rule which says a thing like “To win with stopwatch you have to get a minimum of 1 minute less of the other’s team stopwatch”

what do you think about the 2 ideas?



Bad ideas. The point of stopwatch is to set a time that has to be beat. It’s like a new timelimit for the map and if you can’t beat it or the other team makes a faster time then they deserve the victory. They were better.
When playing CTF you don’t give the loosing team points because they captured 5 times when winners captured 6 times.


gravelpit 2x stopwatch should be forced ABBA just to make it fair.


it's a farm

That’s the rule since months already. Closed.

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