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Why is open 6s playoffs mid 6s?

Created 15th March 2016 @ 13:21

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Quoted from Kemor

You don’t have to win the division to play at higher level in the future. Div 5-6 has always been packed with pedobears, why the fuck do you suddenly care about them? SUAVY are not as scary as you’d think, all you need is a functional brain and decent teamwork. It’s not like they’re 14-0 or something.

Again, thats not my point…
My point is that its unfair that your avarage open player has to face a prem one in the lowest div and get “eliminated” because of it. After all, he signed up to OPEN.


oops sent twice ;c

Last edited by Tamir,


There’s only one guy who even stood near prem level, and he’s not even playing his main role. Honestly if you cant handle one guy then maybe its your fault for being stuck at the bottom of the board.
Maybe if admins investigated more and spent more time doing research on teams during the div placement there wouldn’t be such a problem. I once had a team full of Invite level players in my division, did I cry? No, we beat them and later on they dropped from the league. As for now theres nothing you can do about it, contact an admin and give your opinion on how to make the divisions a better place for newbies.
Let this thread die.



Okay, this thread has gone on for long enough. Everybody has had their say so I’m going to close it.
One thing that I will mention before leaving here is regarding this.
Quoted from TaylorSwiftFan100

pls never make any retarded rules like “limited to medic if played X div” or “can’t play X div if you played Y div”.

Class restrictions will never be a thing. And what we’re looking at is making a rule slightly more specific for skill level.
As example. We allow an open team with 5 inexperienced players and 1 prem player.
Then mid-season they start using 2 additional prem players bringing it up to 3/6.
Seeing that they only swapped 2/6 player(33%).The hijacking rule wouldn’t be applicable yet but this would still be unfair in most cases.
Which is why we’ll try getting something working like limiting the amount of higher skilled players that can join during the season. This would always be reviewable with admins and we would try to keep as much into account as possible.

TL;DR Closing thread because everything is getting repeated, we’re working on something and it won’t limit you from playing in lower divisions while trying to make the tiers as fair as possible.

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