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Submissions of logs as evidence

Created 1st October 2014 @ 23:54

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Quoted from kKaltUu


No, despite what anyone else says, we have better things to do with our time.

What if there was a dispute where someone claimed that screenshots and steamids were faked, would you watch an stv or POV to verify?



Quoted from hr

What if there was a dispute where someone claimed that screenshots and steamids were faked, would you watch an stv or POV to verify?

No, we would roll a die or throw a coin.

Did you know we now have the option to decide matches by a coinflip by the site? That’s fun!

(ofc we’d watch the demo, check the logs, review whatever evidence might be relevant)


Quoted from ash


No, we would roll a die or throw a coin.

Did you know we now have the option to decide matches by a coinflip by the site? That’s fun!

(ofc we’d watch the demo, check the logs, review whatever evidence might be relevant)

Wow, that’s really shitty… so a team who lost a game can basically claim the screenshots were faked and then it would be 50-50 if they won or lost? :/

At the end of the day it’s hard to prove logs, screenshots or even demos are real…

Last edited by Casino,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Casino

Quoted from ash


No, we would roll a die or throw a coin.

Did you know we now have the option to decide matches by a coinflip by the site? That’s fun!

(ofc we’d watch the demo, check the logs, review whatever evidence might be relevant)

Wow, that’s really shitty… so a team who lost a game can basically claim the screenshots were faked and then it would be 50-50 if they won or lost? :/

At the end of the day it’s hard to prove logs, screenshots or even demos are real…

he wasn’t serious m80


Noone cares about faking logs, nowadays you can fake everything, even a screenshot or especally a screenshot so there’s no much difference between it and logs.
But since we already have a nice screenshot parser I don’t see a point really.

Last edited by CHERRY,


UbeR |

I don’t think R.E.M. read the second part of Ash’ post, just in case he was serious:

You’re talking about a match, which is per definition staged verification. You AND your opponents have to verify the match (team A by submitting, team B by clicking verify match). If the screenshots are faked, your team can present the correct ones:

3.2 Status & Scoreboard screenshots required

If for some magical reason your team was bright enough not to save those required screenshots, we can do demo requests:

2.4 Every player has to record Demos

All members of our staff have played TF2 competitively for years, so if an honestly played match got to the point of coin flips, either the teams or admins massively fucked up.


Quoted from Casino

Quoted from ash


No, we would roll a die or throw a coin.

Did you know we now have the option to decide matches by a coinflip by the site? That’s fun!

(ofc we’d watch the demo, check the logs, review whatever evidence might be relevant)

Wow, that’s really shitty… so a team who lost a game can basically claim the screenshots were faked and then it would be 50-50 if they won or lost? :/

At the end of the day it’s hard to prove logs, screenshots or even demos are real…


Please learn to read. I’ve seen faked demos, faked logs and faked screenshots, I’ve also seen bugged demos, bugged logs but never a bugged screenshot, only screenshots that people have messed up. I’ve seen too many logs that are messed up to trust them in any kind of official capacity.

Simple question, what do you suggest when someone disagrees with the logs? With the current system if a screenshot is wrong, you can check any of 11 other players demos/screens. If there’s 1 log and it’s claimed to be edited, what on earth would etf2l do?


Well shit, I realise now that writing/reading posts on forums at 1:30 in the morning is not a good idea.

I’ve re-read ash’s post and I understand his reply now although sarcasm never translates well over the internet especially for someone like me who has trouble distinguishing sarcasm from non-sarcasm but oh well.

I think I’m just gonna quit here while I’m not ahead…

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