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Can we have minor warnings for poor sportsmanship?

Created 19th June 2014 @ 21:43

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Have you heard of angle shooting? Playing within the rules to fuck your opponent. It happens in poker, which is why the first rule of poker is “The good of the game” – meaning an official can arbitrarily make a decision in the interest of fairness, regardless of every other rule written down.

I just watched a team refuse an rr for a crashed medic during a goldencap because they thought the other team might have failed a rollout. It’s the worst sportsmanship I’ve ever seen on etf2l, but you also see denying of reasonable mercs and default hunting a few times every season. All of it makes me sick.

You can’t apply a ‘good of the game’ rule on the fly, but you could say afterwards “this team are clearly being pricks – minor warning”. Often the warnings would go to both teams in a match, and I think that would be an excellent way to set the tone of good sportsmanship that you want to see.

Last edited by fraac,



Quoted from fraac

Have you heard of angle shooting? Playing within the rules to fuck your opponent. It happens in poker, which is why the first rule of poker is “The good of the game” – meaning an official can arbitrarily make a decision in the interest of fairness, regardless of every other rule written down.

Admins already get a lot of flak for following rules to the letter. Can you imagine the amount of abuse and discontent volunteer staff would get if they had the ability to bend or even make up rules on an individual basis?



Yeah, I’m saying I understand they won’t make rulings on the fly. But it’s much easier to look at a match page and recognise a cunt, and give them a warning.


Arti Rush


This would be great. In Wireplay you can just talk to b0nes if they’re denying a fair merc, which is nice.


Or denying to reschedule, or denying servers for “lag” that doesn’t exist? Or deny pauses etc…



Quoted from Collaide

Or denying to reschedule, or denying servers for “lag” that doesn’t exist? Or deny pauses etc…

In the case where one team complains about the provided server they may provide their own. If both teams cannot agree they must use a server provided by ETF2L.

Failure to schedule your games is often your own fault although there are tricks people use to gain favourable default dates. Most of which rely on the other team not doing their job.

The Pause rule is one that’s abused. We had it a couple of times in an official this season two pauses without warning or request. Technically this is against the rules. I’m not 100% on this but I believe the pause rule is roughly:

‘You may ask for a pause and the opposition is expected to pause the game without taking advantage unless a passage of play (push) is underway. At which time the push must be completed prior to the pause being enacted.’

Bad manners, name calling and verbal abuse are all covered.

There may be a few minor things that could be written into the rules but yeah it would be specific instances or incidents that could be considered.



Quoted from fraac

I just watched a team refuse an rr for a crashed medic during a goldencap because they thought the other team might have failed a rollout. It’s the worst sportsmanship I’ve ever seen on etf2l, but you also see denying of reasonable mercs and default hunting a few times every season. All of it makes me sick.

Personally i agree with what you are saying, but then that is probs because im not a keener generally its the keeners that do this. I cant recall a game where i have ever turned down a merc request myself sometimes certain players in my team do though. However the team is playing well within the rules when not giving an RR. The only reason i say this is for example.

You are playing football, you are given a penalty shot with minutes to go which could win the game. (very similar to a golden cap) Just as the whistle blows and you start your run up the keeper falls over i bet you’d still shoot.

Last edited by SmAsH,


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

Quoted from SmAsH


Personally i agree with what you are saying, but then that is probs because im not a keener generally its the keeners that do this. I cant recall a game where i have ever turned down a merc request myself sometimes certain players in my team do though. However the team is playing well within the rules when not giving an RR. The only reason i say this is for example.

You are playing football, you are given a penalty shot with minutes to go which could win the game. (very similar to a golden cap) Just as the whistle blows and you start your run up the keeper falls over i bet you’d still shoot.

keeper falling over isn’t comparable to a timeout during rollout though. :P

Of course it can be abused as well, if demo really fails his rollout or whatever, he can jsut kill his connection. It still is very bad sportsmanship not doing an rr during rollout when the medic times out.





Quoted from Kuferl


keeper falling over isn’t comparable to a timeout during rollout though. :P

Of course it can be abused as well, if demo really fails his rollout or whatever, he can jsut kill his connection. It still is very bad sportsmanship not doing an rr during rollout when the medic times out.

I can’t really imagine someone being such a retarded cunt to do such a thing, and it will be kinda obvious if he actually fails a jump then times out.


all of this can be sorted out with PoV demos.


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

Quoted from Phnx

I can’t really imagine someone being such a retarded cunt to do such a thing, and it will be kinda obvious if he actually fails a jump then times out.

me neither, just saying it is a possibility



Quoted from Kuferl


keeper falling over isn’t comparable to a timeout during rollout though. :P

Of course it can be abused as well, if demo really fails his rollout or whatever, he can jsut kill his connection. It still is very bad sportsmanship not doing an rr during rollout when the medic times out.

No its not ha but it is a pretty similar situation with the medic being a very key part of a rollout to mid and the keeper being rather important in a penalty shot!

We are only talking in a sense of sportsmanship here, so allowing the keeper to stand up would be the “sportsmanship” thing do to as would rr for the medic i just wanted to add a different situation with a “similar” side to it in which no one would question the outcome as everyone would shoot!

Last edited by SmAsH,

Spike Himself


Quoted from fraac

Have you heard of angle shooting? Playing within the rules to fuck your opponent. It happens in poker, which is why the first rule of poker is “The good of the game” – meaning an official can arbitrarily make a decision in the interest of fairness, regardless of every other rule written down.

ETF2L have a somewhat similar rule. If you search the rules pages for “admin discretion” I’m sure you’ll find it :)

Most stuff that can be covered by the ruleset is. Anything specific you can always contact an admin on IRC about.

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