Creating Team Logos for funz
Created 18th May 2014 @ 12:11
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Edit:close this pls, opened new one
Last edited by CapricorN,
Asked for a logo and got one in an hour. Excellent service. probs new Fe picture 8))
thank you again. sorry that i have changed my mind many times :D
@all: super friendly person who works quickly and diligently!
*thumb up*
I really like the logo you did for Fe!
My question out of curiosity from another fellow designer; have you used Adobe Illustrator much?
I find for some of the work I do, especially when it comes to stuff like this, working with shapes and typography is much easier to do in AI. If I want to add in any fancy effects on top, I can either do it hastily in AI or import the shapes and letters to Photoshop.
Keep up the good work!
Yo hidi
I might as well check that, but for now ill be working with something more familiar.
thanks for the advice :)
Logos in general should be done in Illustrator by default because that way the logo is vector rather than bitmap. What this means (as if you didn’t already know) is that you can scale your logo to whatever the fuck size you want without losing any quality what so ever.
Adobe Illustrator isn’t the only program for creating vector imagery. Just saying.
I assume it’s somewhat similar to photoshop since it’s an Adobe program?
If it is, then i’m okay with just that
Illustrator is a graphic design program, while Photoshop is graphic editing program.
And that’s why I’ll never understand those people who think that Photoshop is only a drawing program when it’s for editing.
But learning to use Illustrator can be a bit annoying and at the same time profitable in the end, it’s a lot better to do your stuff with it than with Photoshop for example, unless if you know how to use Photoshop a lot more better.
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