pcw results for april
Created 30th April 2014 @ 11:22
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Made a thing that made this instead of sleeping. It uses the s17 table to find logs where 5+ rostered members played.
The html is messy due to automation. Gunslingers are called Kritzberg for some reason. A couple of highlander teams are included. Logs for a few abandoned 2-minute games are included.
Will clean it up and run it on the provisional s18 divisions when released, should give lots more results.
We didn’t even play pcw vs LEGO, these were some mixes where we played on offclasses :P
Lack of some pcws (but I assume this is because we played vs new created teams/new “old” teams from season 16) and there are a few bugs but it isn’t bad. Good idea!
You can add these pcws if you want:
vs Above the Clouds:
vs Saints:
Last edited by wonder,
thought this would be shit due to how many mixes are played but this is actually really fucking good, nice work
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