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Fun with Flags

Created 18th April 2013 @ 13:28

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Quoted from fraac

Shouldn’t you use the Ulster flag? If someone identifies as Northern Irish rather than British or Irish, wouldn’t they want their own flag?

We make flags for countries not for people’s identities.



That sounds meaningless. You make flags so etf2l users can choose a country with a flag. If they choose British or Irish or European they get those flags. If they choose Northern Irish, wouldn’t they want a recognisably Northern Irish flag? Garden above wanted a Northern Irish flag. Maybe if you can find someone who identifies as Northern Irish rather than British but wants the British flag I could see your point.

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from CHERRY

We make flags for countries not for people’s identities.

A really poor explanation, since we have a flag for UK, and a flag for it’s 4 subdivisions. So it’s really up to the player if they want to be identified as British, or as Scottish/English/Irish/Welsh.



We should remove flags altogether. :>



add moldova and montenegro


Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

A really poor explanation, since we have a flag for UK, and a flag for it’s 4 subdivisions. So it’s really up to the player if they want to be identified as British, or as Scottish/English/Irish/Welsh.

Quoted from fraac

That sounds meaningless. You make flags so etf2l users can choose a country with a flag. If they choose British or Irish or European they get those flags. If they choose Northern Irish, wouldn’t they want a recognisably Northern Irish flag? Garden above wanted a Northern Irish flag. Maybe if you can find someone who identifies as Northern Irish rather than British but wants the British flag I could see your point.

Ireland got it’s official flag which is Union Jack. We won’t add Tricolour, Ulsters flag or St Patricks Cross, just because someone identifies with them more than with the official flag: http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/written_answers/1986/jul/25/flag-of-st-patrick



If nobody identifies with the flag you’ve chosen for a country, what’s the point? You’re just making it harder to find players for national teams. Who gives a fuck about politics?


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from fraac

If nobody identifies with the flag you’ve chosen for a country, what’s the point? You’re just making it harder to find players for national teams. Who gives a fuck about politics?

The reality is that the Union Jack is the only official flag of Northern Ireland.


If you are unhappy with that I would suggest running for election or perhaps starting a revolution.


(ETF2L Donator)

Make it happen admirable! Viva la admirevolution!


Last edited by toogyboogy,





I made a France-Belgium flag for teams who has player that are french and belgian.
Here the link: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/22/1401391491-francebelgium.gif

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