Vtv - Pledge and Skully
Created 17th September 2012 @ 06:59
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Quoted from Trath
There is nothing to abuse, Pledge and Skully are good at casting. I haven’t tuned in to one of their casts for a while, but I think Pledge stopped saying wrong/”stupid” things.
The “problem” is DJC and Admirable give better insight and are far more entertaining.
prefer pledge and skully. DJC is annoying but admirable is awesome. its a shame he doesnt do casts on his own or with someone who is less like chris evans
Quoted from Darkdwarf
Best thing about Pledge and Skully is that they always manage to hype the games. DJC and Admirable are funny to listen to, but P/S makes care more about the game and creates a better atmosphere, imo.
This post makes me want to kill myself
Quoted from konr
[…]This post makes me want to kill myself
Don’t let us stop you.
Many thanks all for the comments and criticisms, I take everything on board. Personally I felt I didnt give a good cast compared to what I have given before. However as I said, it was nice to see about 110 people picking to listen to us over Ads and DJC who may I say both did a great job and put on a great cast
Quoted from konr
[…]This post makes me want to kill myself
oh no an alternative opinion on the internet, brb hyperbole
Quoted from atmo
oh no an alternative opinion on the internet, brb hyperbole
I don’t have any qualms with people liking Pledge & Skully but when they say they’re better (or even close to as good as) Admirable & djc it makes absolutely no sense to me. JUST MY OPINION ATMO.
Quoted from konr
[…]I don’t have any qualms with people liking Pledge & Skully but when they say they’re better (or even close to as good as) Admirable & djc it makes absolutely no sense to me. JUST MY OPINION ATMO.
so you are saying darkdwarf’s opinion is invalid because there is no other opinion possible than thinking admirable and djc are better, nice ad hominem right there.
Nigel Wants KFC casts too much though! Even casts himself discussing tactics to beat our team before the game whilst we listen and discuss our own tactics to beat their tactics at beating our tactics.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Nigel Wants KFC casts too much though! Even casts himself discussing tactics to beat our team before the game whilst we listen and discuss our own tactics to beat their tactics at beating our tactics.
Quoted from Comedian
so you are saying darkdwarf’s opinion is invalid because there is no other opinion possible than thinking admirable and djc are better, nice ad hominem right there.
Or maybe I’m saying I just really like the combo of Ads and djc? Derp.
Have to agree with all the praise of Pledge and Skully, they have really become a great duo. Particularly Skully who has put himself out there and gotten a lot more confident on the on the mic.
It is accurate to say that their analysis is the only thing they need to work on, but I think they have really good energy and a great likability factor.
People from inside the community have their own preconceptions about Pledge and Skully I’m sure, but as ambassadors for the game on reaching out to new audiences there are none better!
I watch pretty much every VanillatTV production I possibly can, and I was literally on my way to the forums to create this exact thread. Alas here I am and I just wanted to say that these two are my favourite VTV casting duo, I can especially appreciate how Pledge keeps an eye on the entire action of the game clearly working hard to scroll through players and work out what individual players are attempting to pull of in terms of their gameplay and strategies. (which definitely comes through in his cast.) I really enjoyed the coverage of the Nations Cup semifinals and for lower divison players like myself it is really great for enabling spectators to appreciate the tactics that the top teams in TF2 employ.
On that note I have to say I actually think Pledge has really stepped up his game when it comes to casting. Not sure about Skully cause the way he casts is just not my cup of tea mostly because he hypes up the most pointless shit and misses the actual exciting stuff (not offense, just a bit of criticism I’m sure you don’t mind :P) which is actually kinda how Pledge casted at one point. Less analysis and more playbyplay from Skully and I reckon we have a winner.
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