So if Epsilon do fold after lan ..what happens to etf2l ?
Created 14th June 2012 @ 15:12
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Just wondering after hearing the gossip.
What happens to prem :0 ?!
Quoted from Koeitje
I will be prem again and tf2 will be dead….again.
mig*= team germany = they might be better then epsilon now..
bash+stefan :-
other players doesnt matter :D
so much stuff was said about them in the past about changes/ folds etc.
just wait and see what will happen after shootmania is not intresting anymore
Quoted from Tarkus
mig*= team germany = they might be better then epsilon now..
bash+stefan :-
other players doesnt matter :D
its like in cc , matanan and ret, the others are just placeholders
edit: sorry roy, obviously the best medic arround
Last edited by IPZIE,
Quoted from IPZIE
so much stuff was said about them in the past about changes/ folds etc.
just wait and see what will happen after shootmania is not intresting anymore
shootmania is not intersting even now.. i got bored after 3 days
Quoted from Tarkus
shootmania is not intersting even now.. i got bored after 3 days
How come ? A lot of people have been saying it is the “next big FPS” What makes it boring ?
Last edited by Turbo,
Quoted from Turbo
How come ? A lot of people have been saying it is the “next big FPS” What makes it boring ?
Tarkus is expert… He knows what he is talking about
From the point of view of an avid spectator and a beginning player, it does feel a bit upsetting that i46 is treated as the fucking apocalypse of TF2. Americans stay optimistic and keep pointing out to growth and rising popularity, meanwhile here THIS IS WHERE IT ALL ENDS, THE RAPTURE IS UPON US, AFTER THE FINAL BABY JESUS SWOOPS DOWN AND DEFEATS THE DARK LORD OF HATS ROBIN WALKER.
What if they fold before LAN???
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