
Season 9 Suggestions

Created 17th December 2010 @ 11:00

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Quoted from helberg

sandvich banned.




Heavy limit 1 but unban natascha.



Vanilla + medic. Whitelist all servers :)

Some new maps in map pool: Viaduct, Well, Bazillion and delete obscure and maybe freight !


Allow everything ban set bonuses

Medic , Demo, Heavy, Engy limit 1
everything else limit 2

maybe fix direct hit like new grenade launcher first, then we are good to go

Last edited by Tikcus,



ban all unlocks but medic, soldier’s boots, heavy’s kgb and sandwich, sniper’s shiv, demoman’s sword (no shield), pyro’s flare gun, spy’s ambassador and scout’s bonk.



Medic, Demo, Engy, Heavy limit 1
Everything else limit 2

I would really really really love this.



Punish people for not following the rules. The only reason people are lazy concerning scheduling and the rules in general is because they know that no one will do anything about it, not because mass-blasé is an unavoidable part of a gaming league.

There is literally no point having matches grouped into “weeks” at the moment, you might as well just give teams a list of their opponents and a time frame in which to have played their matches.


Quoted from kaidus

Punish people for not following the rules. The only reason people are lazy concerning scheduling and the rules in general is because they know that no one will do anything about it, not because mass-blasé is an unavoidable part of a gaming league.

There is literally no point having matches grouped into “weeks” at the moment, you might as well just give teams a list of their opponents and a time frame in which to have played their matches.



RaWr ::

ban all da cheaterz



Quoted from octochris

utility limit 1.


Quoted from kaidus

Punish people for not following the rules. The only reason people are lazy concerning scheduling and the rules in general is because they know that no one will do anything about it, not because mass-blasé is an unavoidable part of a gaming league.

There is literally no point having matches grouped into “weeks” at the moment, you might as well just give teams a list of their opponents and a time frame in which to have played their matches.

true! 1 MAJOR warning in premier for match, unplayed till deadline.
wtf is going on there right now?

Quoted from N/A

ban all da cheaterz

haha :*


Quoted from N/A

ban all da cheaterz



Quoted from Tikcus

Allow everything ban set bonuses

Oh god, sure is going to be fun playing against all those Direct Hit soldiers, Gunslinger engies, FaN + Milk scouts and GRU heavies.



Quoted from herpderp


Oh god, sure is going to be fun playing against all those Direct Hit soldiers, Gunslinger engies, FaN + Milk scouts and GRU heavies.

GRU, TDH and FaN are bad because.. ?

As I said on many occasions before .. if they were really so overpowered, I’m sure everyone would use them .. Which is quite funny cuz when people use them, I usually see them fail a lot with it .. bar a few players.

Though banning the TDH doesn’t matter too much as no one really plays with it anyway and if they do they get burned to death for some reason. (God forbids change.) But with a lot of new weapons coming out once again, I don’t really see how we can keep on banning everything. Sooner or later we will have to succumb to change unlock-wise if you want to grow as a league as attracting new players with a zillion unlocks banned will become harder and harder.

I’m curious what etf2l is going to decide about the natasha now it’s been nerfed .. :)

GRU being overpowered must be the biggest joke I’ve heard though .. it actually speeds up gameplay if you’re a heavy, while this game is already quite slow.

Oh and yes ban all da cheaterz ;]

Maps weren’t too bad except for obscure (slow as fuck, too much pushing forward and pushing back shit without anyone deciding the map) and playing it twice in a row official-wise made me cringe. There’s enough new maps around, maye give a look @ those?

Last edited by demsii,



I don’t know about you Demourge, but maps where it’s a constant game of pushing back and forth, where a round can last 10 minutes without any standoffs or turtling, are the most fun to me :)

Also … wth is wrong with the Gunslinger? :P

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