
Class Limit 2

Created 13th December 2008 @ 23:43

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I was wondering, was any thought put into class limit 2? I understand that it can be damaging to have like 5 pyros etc, and medic limit 1 i think is definatley needed, however how much thought was put into class limit 2? Or was it just a staple thing to cover all boards and prevent ‘spam’?

I’m really winding down from tf2 and mainly just trying to play for as much fun as i can now, and i was wondering, if your team wanted to play 6 spies for fun, which i can almost guarentee would be hilarious :P, why can’t you? :/ You’d probably be warned / banned of the league for majorly breaking this rule, but is it giving you an advantage? I understand with some of the heavy classes, and having 6 engies is ugh.. :P, but spy? and maybe sniper? I really don’t see much need for blocking these classes, because i think it’s really obvious that running more than 2 anyway doesn’t give you any if at all advantage, so any teams going for serious business won’t use it, and they’ll own any team that does use it…. so basically i propose that more than 2 spies is allowed :P


Hey dats!

Would you like Ryb, Hymzi, and Byte coming at you with a medic each in tow with an uber each? Thats what it was before class limits! :P

The CL2 has been decided by the community over time of playing, like medic limit 1 and demo limit 1.


I’m sorry :> did you read my post? :p

as far as i know playing with no class limit on scouts/snipers/spies has never been tried? It’s pretty obvious in my post that demolimit should be 1, soldier/heavy 2 and medic one (well i presumed it was obvious)

edit: and i honestley don’t think CL2 was specifically decided by anyone, but in IRC asking for;

6v6 ml 1 dl 1 slhl 2 now is a bit ridiculous – if you know what i mean, and i (think?) that CL2 just came by saying, 2 of each is about right, however see arguements above with specific classes


one tumpel is hard enough to hit with his playstation 1 turbo fire @ jump pad.. even with a teammate… let alone 6



It has been tried iirc, heard something about the American leagues like [insert name], having 3 soldiers and 3 medics in the first season, and crits on. Obviously players didnt like it.

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