
Problem with Demos?

Created 29th November 2008 @ 22:49

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I was looking at some demos and thinking ‘Hmm, I want to watch a soldier playing, a high level one. But there’s not too many SourceTV demos, so I had to look at the first person ones. But then I had no idea which showed a soldier. To begin with, it didn’t tell me the player who uploaded it, so if I happened to know what that particular player played, I’d know. But also, a simpler thing would just be to tell me the classes played during that match. Would it be possible to implement this into the demo uploading? Just have them put the player name and then the class played.

If there is more than one class that is played during the match, perhaps a primary field, a secondary field and an any other field. Then have the last field you able to select more than one, or just say that the one that is played most often in the match is the primary, the second most secondary and the third most as the any other one, so you can only pick 3 classes for one that, say, you go Pyro on the last cap just to clear everyone out.

Thanks if you made your way through my ramblings.


As as soldier aim at the enemies feet.



Mkay. I’ll remember that.



Pros aim at the head for additional fall damage


other pros are going a duck and then you got no damage on him :P



Fragga, are you saying that pros attack its weak point for massive damage?


nah, he means that if he hits the head/top of the guy he is shooting at, he might get fall dmg, even if the dude just jumped or something.

might add that fragga might have joked about it :P


This thread was about ineye-demos, not about “How do I kill my enemies most efficiently as a soldier?”. Srsly

I suggested that some time ago, and everyone just told me “use stv demos”…



You can get loads of SourceTV-demos on cadred.



As a soldier, hit R to keep your Rocket Launcher reloaded all the time. though, got lots of recent demos



In all (or most) official matches all players have to take demos. But i suggest you ask for an ineye demo from a particular player in the match comments and then they’ll be happy to upload imo. Otherwise if u upload a pov demo and nobody downloads it … it hurts ! :(




“As a soldier, hit R to keep your Rocket Launcher reloaded all the time.”

Pros use auto reload scripts :D


UbeR |

+reload is one hell of a script indeed


ask Fragga if you want to learn how to play as a soldier i have heard he is the best soldier in the UNIVERSE

Puppets get youre stv porns here

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