
Best and Worsts maps

Created 12th July 2010 @ 10:06

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Time to spill your secrets so I can exploit my future opponents.

Best map for my team – Gravel Pit (least defending C, we’re awesome at it).
Worst map for my team – Freight (especially at mid, we just run around like headless chickens hoping the other team does the same).

Best map for me – Same old Granlands, probably Badlands for the mid battle being the most practised routine in competitive TF2, yet there are numerous different strategies you can try.
Worst map for me – Probably Obscure, though the map itself is good. Not Byte’s fault I fail :D



Quoted from Hildreth

Not Byte’s fault I fail :D

Well he’s certainly to blame for all of my failures, no doubt about it.

Edit: Oh, and on topic, we suck at all maps, hence why we’re div6!

Last edited by Monkeh,


Best map for team – unsure we’re still to new
Worst map for team – unsure (but probably gullywash)

Best map for me – fastlane/prolane/obscure/well (probably because i enjoy playing them more)

Worst map for me – Badlands (not because i’m bad at it, just after playing it 10,000 times, i’m sick of it, and every F***ing PCW, can you guys pick a different map FFS we only play badlands twice in a league season)



chiiill wiiinstoon



Best: It’s been a while since we’ve lost a low+ on badlands, so i’d probably go with that
Worst: Gravelpit, ugh, that map.

Best for me: Probably Badlands/Granary. Getting the routine down and knowing what to do after playing it so often got me into the fun part, the trying to think up new ways of pushing through and allowing me to focus less on the boring parts that everyone knows. I have a lot of fun on most of the standard maps, to be honest, these days.

Worst for me: Freight, seriously? Fuck freight.



Best map for my team – Obscure or Badlands
Worst map for my team – Gravelpit

Best map for me – Badlands
Worst map for me – Gravelpit, hate it……..



Team Best: Granary (seem to be able to stand up to almost all opposition on this map)
Team Worst: Gravel Pit (half the time we defend B for the whole time, the other half the time we have trouble capturing A)

My Best: Granary (this is by a long way)
My Worst: Obscure (die a lot :(, although I’m much better as demoman on it)

Spike Himself


Team Best: Obscure (only one team has managed to beat us on it)
Team Worst: Coldfront (lack of experience/practice I guess)

My Best: Obscure (also the only map I’m any good on)
My Worst: Gullywash (mid is too small, I keep dropping to valley lol)

high- in badlands
low+ in everything els

D-D-D-Double post

Last edited by Nivzeh,



Best map for team: Gullywash

Worst map for team: Gravelpit, even though we comfortably won both our fixtures on it, we just hate it. :D

Best map for me: Gullywash, Obscure, Granary and freight, they all give me a good opportunity to snipe :D

Worst map for me: Coldfront, lag like shit on that map, probably badlands aswell because I get to bored on it, and gravelpit, just don’t like the map, to lucky for my liking :/


Best map for me – Granlands… I can play badlands and granary all day long and i wont get sick of it.

Worst map(s) for me – Well and Gravelpit



Best map for me – Gullywash, nice big open spaces for airshots!
Worst map for me – gravelpit but then again maybe i’ll play engi on it now…


Best: Gully/gran
Worst: Obscure



Best for me – Bad/Gran/Gully

Worst – Freight just an awful, awful map

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