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The Official I39 Info Thread!! 2nd - 5th of april.

Created 27th November 2009 @ 23:49

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Quoted from Mike


I asked a serious question, and maybe my assumption was misjudged but I thought this was meant to be an informative and equally serious thread? Can we please keep it that way?

In order for you to ask a serious question, people have to take you seriously. Do you think people take you seriously?


Wow Niggles making a COMPLETE comeback! :O That’s gonna burn…..

Also Easy.idk i think Admirable is now medicing for FB :(! so i dunno if Gibbz fail team i mean Team Empathy + Gibbz failness is going to i series ask them too!





Quoted from Niggles


In order for you to ask a serious question, people have to take you seriously. Do you think people take you seriously?

Well I thought it was blatently obvious I was being serious, as I need to know that and I doubt that anyone would have asked a question which is revealing and endangering, but I needed to know, as I sent an e-mail to multiplay about this with no response. I’m really surprised someone like memento mori came up with a reponse with out using the notorious forum wit, whereas D2M just can’t resist. It appears I also misjudged your ability to tell moods, I mean well done for trying it is just text, but it must be a bit harder with you being a nerd and all :) (sorry it’s just to strenuous to be serious sometimes) I’ll leave byte to rate this… response.. in a biased manner :)



The fact that none of you can detect seriousness in text is DISGUSTING!

P.S (activate sarcasm sensors!)



/ninja edit
FUck just saw an earlier post from berto




btw turbo, how are we paying!?!? 1 person or every1 seperately?


vertex »

Quoted from Mike



The problem occurs when you make an absolute dick of yourself constantly on the forum, in IRC and in pickup channels. If you want people to respect you, then you need to act more appropriately.

My comment was simply in reference to the fact that you dig yourself many holes and maybe having a little more understanding of the things you write and the results that they will create will allow you be far more responsive and well-mannered in the future.

You’ve been warned about your forum behaviour a number of times in the past, with many of your posts consisting of nonsense and little more than what appears to be a spasm on the keyboard. I’ve always given you the benefit of the doubt because you’re young and you have a lot of learning and growing up to do. Hopefully we can have a chat over a glass of non-alcoholic juice at i39 :)


Quoted from d2m


The problem occurs when you make an absolute dick of yourself constantly on the forum, in IRC and in pickup channels. If you want people to respect you, then you need to act more appropriately.

My comment was simply in reference to the fact that you dig yourself many holes and maybe having a little more understanding of the things you write and the results that they will create will allow you be far more responsive and well-mannered in the future.

You’ve been warned about your forum behaviour a number of times in the past, with many of your posts consisting of nonsense and little more than what appears to be a spasm on the keyboard. I’ve always given you the benefit of the doubt because you’re young and you have a lot of learning and growing up to do. Hopefully we can have a chat over a glass of non-alcoholic juice at i39 :)

fuck off d2m, you will be drinking alcohol, mike can drink juice.


Quoted from Mike


Well I thought it was blatently obvious I was being serious, as I need to know that and I doubt that anyone would have asked a question which is revealing and endangering, but I needed to know, as I sent an e-mail to multiplay about this with no response. I’m really surprised someone like memento mori came up with a reponse with out using the notorious forum wit, whereas D2M just can’t resist. It appears I also misjudged your ability to tell moods, I mean well done for trying it is just text, but it must be a bit harder with you being a nerd and all :) (sorry it’s just to strenuous to be serious sometimes) I’ll leave byte to rate this… response.. in a biased manner :)

I think perhaps you didn’t read what I said, I said “In order for you to ask a serious question, people need to take you seriously. Do you think people take you seriously?” Not once have you answered that question. To be honest, if I was to guess at the mood from that post, and the one before it, I would class it as “butthurt”. I could be wrong, I am far from infallible. Also, yes I am a nerd, I fail to see it as my downfall though, considering it’s gotten me relatively far from where I started in life.

nvc, if you want to get D2M something to drink @LAN get him a Relentless, he guzzles the stuff.

Tapley ❤


Please dont turn this thread into a flame war, Mikes a dick, this is universally known. Just dont acknowledge his posts and continue on.



i like pie!


I like Tapley, he is tall.



Is there 1 tf2 prize tournament and 1 fun one?

If so, can we participate in both? What is the prize money/prize?

(i-series nub)



and the prize is! : tf2 actually getting a prize and the satisfaction you get from having a major lan give your game a prize for once.



Ussaly everyone split into groups and you play 4-8 matchs then the winners of each group go onto quarter,semi, finals and the loser kick off their own fun cup!

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