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The Official I39 Info Thread!! 2nd - 5th of april.

Created 27th November 2009 @ 23:49

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I wont be going as im moving, sos black bob no pizza for you :<


RaWr ::

Tapley & Mole: Any discussions behind the scenes about coverage yet?

Me and Arx are more then willing to cover the TF2 tournament and anything else but unfortunately its always discussed behind closed doors :P






Hey dats!

Quoted from beta

Tapley & Mole: Any discussions behind the scenes about coverage yet?

Me and Arx are more then willing to cover the TF2 tournament and anything else but unfortunately its always discussed behind closed doors :P


Not really down to us as dealing with coverage partners and such pre-event isn’t in our control. Only thing we could do is possibly get you in the hot seat if you were already at the event as a punter. But then there is a few more complications than that with you guys. As I said to nVc, at the least Jay will probably need a co-commentator like xman did at i38.


What is the prize pot at the moment?

How many teams have signed up?


Don’t forget to add your clans to the tf2 tournament section. There are loads of tf2 players registered on the seat picker, but only 5 incomplete clans registered on the tournament page. This looks shit and isn’t a true reflection so get them on ASAP to improve the chances of getting sponsors.

Tapley ❤


People dont really complete their teams till the day of the event, but really create your team at least to get it on the page :). We have enough for 20+ teams so far with at least £1500 prize pot confirmed. More depending on sponsers and signups (48 teams needed for an extra grand i believe, so lets just go for sponers ;) )



20 teams thats a pretty ace number so far :D


Quoted from Black_Bob

20 teams thats a pretty ace number so far :D

is that a joke ? thats abysmal.

Tapley ❤


How is that abysmal? The tf2 comp scene is much much smaller than cod or css, and there are hardly any all uk clans playing competitvly so for a uk TF2 lan thats pretty decent. Name another pc game that can get more clans attending bar css/cod? Exatally.



wooooo in box!



20 teams :O That would be huge. But i think it’s doable considering how one of the bigger dutch lans looks like. (700 people, 8 tf2 teams) If you extrapolate that a bit, and add the facts that there’ll be a few extra top-teams due to the cash money involved and that it has more advertisement through amongst others this very topic ( :) ), 20 seems a reasonable number.

Looking forward to this :)


Quoted from Tapley ❤

How is that abysmal? The tf2 comp scene is much much smaller than cod or css, and there are hardly any all uk clans playing competitvly so for a uk TF2 lan thats pretty decent. Name another pc game that can get more clans attending bar css/cod? Exatally.

Guess im just comparing it to the other games, my bad :(

oh and mike where you drunk or typing in the dark when you posted that paragraph ? haha :D

Christ, buying my plane tickets for this yoke now, the affair is already pushing 200 euro and I haven’t even gotten there yet.



really annoyed i’m going to miss it :/. i want loads of pics!

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