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Deutschlan 2016 Thanks and Appreciation Thread

Created 12th September 2016 @ 00:05

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(Cat Enthusiast)

Thanks to Emilio for driving us 18 hours.

Thank you to all teams to lent us cooking utensils

Sorry quintosh for shouldering you in the jaw

Lux for the back massage

Every other house who I’ve stolen drinks from


Shoutout to lux for back rubs
Shoutout to stinson for LAN love
Shoutout to people that were cleaning up after me (sorry)
Hi im adysky *pukes*



Shoutout to alcohol
Shoutout to Wuba’s snacks
Shoutout to hugs
Shoutout to stinson for all the stuff he does
Shoutout to my team to being drunk enough to not care about losing
Shoutout to chime for almost carrying
And many more but I dont feel like typing


(Certified Puntomime)

Shoutout to this awesome community
Shoutout to very friendly Dutchies
Shoutout to Stinson for not only carrying me at but also to LAN
Shoutout to all the people I pointed my phone camera at (@ 4am)
Shoutout to T9! for multiple german derbies x)
Shoutout to spy (and other lolhl mains)
and maaaaaaaany others.

See ya guys <3


(ETF2L Donator)

DeutschLAN ends and so does my life FeelsBadMan ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿.

Shoutout to my team for being nice and not causing any (major) problems :)

Shoutout to BIGnis for not dodging lan, bringing toilet paper, not dying to Slenderman in the forest and teaching me stuff about memes

Shoutout to dd5f for playing the piano like a fucking god and also not puking

Shoutout to BlueBerry for cooking noodles and teaching us stuff about trucks all weekend long

Shoutout to Melle for putting up with 8 untidy male gamers for 3 days and driving me back to Altenbeken

Shoutout to deleuz for being a really nice guy and playing TF2 together with b_fisch from the couch like a boss

Shoutout to b_fisch for playing medic instead of me most of the time so I didn’t have to tilt so much (I am an engi main now)

Shoutout to sickass, uh I mean Cykaz for fixing a table with duct tape like a pro (I am proud of you)

Shoutout to Nevermore for having more colorful LEDs in his keyboard than I have pixels on my screen

Shoutout to quintosh for picking me up in Altenbeken before I nearly died in the sun from heat

Shoutout to raptor for kidnapping Nevermore and Melle into the forest in the middle of the night and later being found by us after we searched the whole village…

Shoutout to stinson for being an actual real life superhero, organizing everything and helping so many people with requests and issues before and during the lan. You are awesome dude, where is your community weapon?

A BIG shoutout to the people who played a 6v6 doublemix with me!!!

And shoutout to all the other nice people I met and were making this event unforgettable ❤

cu next year maybe?

Last edited by S!MON,


(ETF2L Donator)

God damn what an amazing weeken once again.
First of all huge thanks to stinson and MTA for making this possible.
Thanks to palmsky for making travel so much easier for flow and me.
Thanks to jon and arjax for streaming.
Thanks to all the casters.
Big thanks to raptot fir sacrificing most of his saturday to play a lol hl class for us.
Shoutouts to everyone who hung out at the team nein house.
And of course shoutout to team nein for the amazing weekend with many memes and great gaming.

lol hl <3


(ETF2L Tomator)

Thanks to here for the beer for the beer for the beer for the beer for the beer (and other high percentage stuff)

And well basically everyone to keep it short for a good time


Last edited by .Constantine,


Dr. med.

So many great people, it was a blast again!

First of all, this LAN was all Stinson. So I can’t thank him enough for this huge amount of work.

Also thank you for the production crew! For some reason all our games were casted (except for the group second place decider map), so I will enjoy watching them again in the next days. Maybe Jon will be able to come next year himself? He is doing so much great work all the time, I would like to thank him personally one day.

Raptor merced for us time and time again after kkaltuu bailed on us way too shortly before the LAN. I must have been exhausting playing so many games one after another (there are rumours he mained Soldier for S-O as well), I am really grateful for that.

Then there were Khazul and Milchmann who jumped in when Raptor dropped unconscious from heavy exhaustion. Thanks a lot, always a pleasure playing with you guys!

Thanks to the T9 guys, I thought our house had a great atmosphere. Maybe there will come the day of a reform, who knows?

Lastly, thank you to everyone else. Lovely people all around. Met many people again, got to know new people. Except for a few outliers everyone I met was wonderful.

See you again soon hopefully!


(ETF2L Donator)
Dr. med.

Thanks to dr. med. aesirson for having some sick kaidus-pipe-aim in worms reloaded.

Thanks to proph@ for being drunk enough to not care about fair enough playing “who can move the furniture the loudest 5am in the morning”

Thanks to dizambiguation for having pc troubles on our team nein! game so i could play pyro :D

Thanks to LionKing for drinking all the milk so we didnt had to throw it in the trash.

Thanks to Beckler for coming on such a short notice, so I didnt need to play so much heavy.

Thanks to Nick for being the Worms Reloaded Spectator we were missing.

Thanks to Stinson for literally everything. Without you, none of this would have been possible. And thanks for playing medic.

Thanks to Kuli for all the shopping.

Thanks to domaytoe for being okay with me farting right next to you every night.

Thanks to Selek for all the stickers.

Thanks to Team Nein! for awesome matches, good bbq and an overall good time whenever I visited you.

Thanks to Milchmann and Ygg for having some neighbour smalltalk every now and then.

Thanks to nevermore for letting me know about the word stiege.

Thanks to quintosh for picking me up in steinheim.

Thanks to constantine for bringing me back there.

Thanks to here for the beer, I like you.

Thanks to everyone else I might have forgotten, without you all, this Lan wouldnt have been even quarter the fun.

Cya next year (even though we might get a Nieheim ban ;) )


Arti Rush

Thanks to Stinson for once again taking this huge responsibility to make DeutschLAN happen.

Thanks to Wiethoofd who set up the spectator house.

Thanks to Muggy for being an awesome table buddy.

Thanks to cineafx who lent me his monitor and mousemat at lan without asking anything in return.

Thanks to Jon and all the casters, especially asa who was super entertaining to watch.

Thanks to Selek for the “lol <3 hl" stickers.

Thanks to Palmsky for the sausages and for picking everyone including myself on Thursday.

Thanks to adysky for sharing memories and the green stuff.

Thanks to alle and cloudy for involving me in their cute bromance for the whole Friday evening.

Thanks to Maxi and Hildreth for dying to my huntsman one after another.

Thanks to Samski for not showing up and ruining anyone's fun.

Thanks to HiGPS for being so passionate about TF2 and gaming community in general.

Thanks to dd5f for teaching me how to c-tap in five seconds.

Thanks to kKaltuu for not dodging and bringing pizzas.

Thanks to Iro+8 people who showed great courage and composure throughout the entire tournament.

Thanks to Villdjack for growing his hair and finally getting drunk like big guys do.

Thanks to Constantine for staying sober and giving me a lift to Steinheim on Sunday.

Thanks to magikarp who made so many amazing plays and has big opportunities in front of him.

Thanks to GardenFungus for the laughs, the pasta and the vodka.

Thanks to Tsmuji and Flurtle for a great "bind 1 kill" meme.

Thanks to the rest of MIXDCK (EVEN YOU SPELLY YOU LIL' SHIT) for being such cool dudes to hang out with.

Thanks to everyone else who I might have forgotten but who made me happy this weekend.

And last, but not least – thanks to Hartz for just being Hartz and never changing.


P.S. Gonna upload photos as soon as I edit some of them tomorrow, I've only just got home after 30 hours without a sleep.

P.S. My laptop screen stopped working and Windows doesn't even recognize it, but the external monitor works amazingly. Could a backlight get damaged during transportation? Because there aren't any visual scratches or anything.

P.S.S. I forgot Beckler and kuli – thank you guys for mercing for SDCK when Sandvich left and Spelly was shitfaced.

P.S.S. Shit, also thanks Atzebumm for buying me those slippers, they are really comfy.

Last edited by Clark,


(ETF2L Donator)
Dr. med.

Thanks Dr. Med. (and SDCK =P) for letting me play and for being amazing guys (and one gal) to be around

Thanks Stinson for organizing this whole event, casting and still finding the time to play Medic for us

Thanks SDCK for bringing a headset replacement over… twice

Thanks Wiethoofd for staying true to your name

And thanks everyone else I met for making this a memorable event


Muss Los

Big Thanks to Stinson for organizing everythingi dont know how he managed it but ive never felt like something wasnt planned,he took care of literally everything about the tournament/LAN/Location

thanks for moving the first saturday game back one hour x)

thanks to my team you guys were awesome

thanks to Iro+8 for showing me how to use voice comms and how to win videogames

thanks to all players who didnt LANDodge

c u next year



Thanks to stinson for being the reason this happened.

Thanks to palmsky for driving to and from the station.

Thanks to S!mon for lending me a mousepad.

Thanks to hildreth for giving me a team and making sure i wasn’t 800 euros in debt

Thanks to lanpander for making lan so much fun.

Thanks to deo for being there.

Thanks to sonny black for attending a hl lan over a 6s one.

Thanks Techspekje and Fruit for picking me up and dealing with my obvious statements
Thanks Ankannen for the great cupcakes (and the pizzas)
Thanks Wiethoofd for the salmiak pepper
Thanks asadawarf for leaving the spectator house in time so I was able to do a stealth poop over there
Thanks chiiiiiime for the hugs
Thanks Maxi for the Intellimouse that I was looking for
Thanks Hartz for the growler, holy shit you shouldn’t have
Thanks Morphine for helping me with pizza and hugs
Thanks alle for the beer
Thanks steve for squeezing my butt
Thanks blooddrunk for the bicep pic
Thanks selek for the sticker

Thanks everyone that talked to me at LAN

I didn’t interact too much with others, sorry :(



Shoutout to death

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