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DeutschLAN 2016: Announcement + Main thread!

Created 9th March 2016 @ 15:05

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Quoted from Selek


Clark and samski should be sitting on a pile of demos after their democall, no?

I think I already mentioned it somewhere (maybe not on forums but definitely to DeutschLAN orgs), but just in case though I’m gonna do it again:

Samski basically whispered the music in my ears about how I should not do the simple documentary (without any frags, just like it was originally discussed with Stinson and kKaltuu) but do the fragumentary just like the i49 one and vouched to collect all the demos, do the fragmovie within the docu, find a guy to do a voice-over and so on and of the likes.

That of course turned out to be a lot of bullocks – he collected about 8 demos from people by the time I started working on a framework and doing a storyboard for the documentary part. Meanwhile I was chasing him trying to find out what the situation is with the fragmovie. After avoiding me for more than a month giving such excuses as “too much studying” & “gf problems” he finally confessed that he had lost the demos and backed out from helping me, I quote “I don’t have any free time, I’m even quitting tf2”.

Which to be fair, he did… for a few weeks before he started playing actively again and even put up a recruitment post on etf2l. At this point I realized that I should have listened to that dozen of people who had warned me not to get involved with Samski because he’s a cunt.

Except all the promises were already made and the responsibility of making a “big bold fragumentary with a voice-over and loads of cool stuff and shit” was effortlessly shifted upon my shoulders even though I have almost no experience of making tf2 fragmovies. I’ve done several real-life documentaries in the last three years, that’s the only thing I know how to do well.

So now I have this pretty hilarious storyboard with lots of highlander inside jokes that I’ve been working on for 4 weeks but the one that won’t make nearly as much of an impact without all the elements that Samski so eagerly swore to bring in.

TL;DR: The fragumentary has to be rewritten because Samski is a twat. It will happen if I have free time because at this point my motivation is at the bottom level. I like challenges but dwelling into the unfamiliar territory of tf2 fragmovie making seems ill-advised – so if it does happen it will most likely feature no or very little frags mirroring a simple real-life docu.


Last edited by Clark,


Oh boy fresh new hl drama



Actually Selek yes I am working on a special content as a promotional item for DeutschLAN 2016 – The reason I lost all the demos is because my steam got hijacked and then a virus was placed in my pc which nearly caused my whole pc to break. I explained this to Clark but obviously that failed to get through. Also Clark I quit tf2 till the beginning of season 23 which is closer to quitting for 2-3 months rather than 3 weeks.

Please excuse Clark for his language it is not his fault and I accept responsibility but obviously I didnt expect to nearly lose my whole pc to a virus and thus lose the demos.

But as I previously mentioned I am currently hard at work to do my best for some form of promotional material including some frags I can still get hold of from last year’s LAN and if you do still have some saved and wish for them to be included then please feel free to get in contact with me.

Now please end this drama which is extremely petty to be doing on a forum for the next LAN instead of contacting me directly Clark.

Last edited by Samski,



Quoted from Samski

Actually Selek yes I am working on a special content as a promotional item for DeutschLAN 2016 – The reason I lost all the demos is because my steam got hijacked and then a virus was placed in my pc which nearly caused my whole pc to break. I explained this to Clark but obviously that failed to get through. Also Clark I quit tf2 till the beginning of season 23 which is closer to quitting for 2-3 months rather than 3 weeks.

Please excuse Clark for his language it is not his fault and I accept responsibility but obviously I didnt expect to nearly lose my whole pc to a virus and thus lose the demos.

But as I previously mentioned I am currently hard at work to do my best for some form of promotional material including some frags I can still get hold of from last year’s LAN and if you do still have some saved and wish for them to be included then please feel free to get in contact with me.

Now please end this drama which is extremely petty to be doing on a forum for the next LAN instead of contacting me directly Clark.

No drama, I just explained the situation since I am pretty sure Selek is curious about the state of a documentary production and doesnt care that much for promotional clips. And the language is justified considering what I had to put up with.

Your rec post dates back to mid December while my last contact with you is mid November. That is 4 weeks tops.

If you hadn’t been avoiding me before I would have probably contacted you again, but you can see as to why I was hesitant.

Not to mention the amount of lies you fed me forcing me to work using a completely different framework but that’s fine – I can rework that.

Good luck on that content though.

P.S. I am not responding any more on the topic of docu – it may be done over the summer if my schedule clears but that’s the best I can give you guys right now. Sorry for any inconveniences.



That’s some weak hl drama. I’m disappointed.



Quoted from Clark

Your rec post dates back to mid December while my last contact with you is mid November. That is 4 weeks tops.

The last time I played TF2 before season 23 was 11th October – ask Popcorp I quit tf2 after the HL experimental cup because I had an 8 week audit (which is accountancy in simple terms) for PwC which meant I was working 12 hour days for 8 weeks until christmas – so yes you might have been in contact with me but I’m pretty sure you’ll agree that I always told you I was busy not that I was avoiding you, and just because I was on rosters does not mean I was playing the game….if you still think I’m lying about quitting please feel free to contact Sheepy and Popcorp as they were the two leaders of the 6s/HL teams I was on and they will confirm I was not active if you really care that much.

As for the documentary/promotional item I will do my best to make it as professional as possible using the resources left – I could not predict a virus wiping my pc and I am sorry I have let people down because of that but I will try to make up for it as I have a lot more time in the next month to be able to focus on this once again.



I am just hoping you won’t let Jon down because he does not deserve it – he’s done so much for the community already.

Please don’t start this drama on the forums, samski told you what the situation is, you called him an ass. Both of you could have handled it better. Don’t let this be a blemish on the next LAN. If you want to talk this through use steam or a separate topic. next post about this stuff gets removed



Last edited by Jaakarhu,


Dr. med.

That is indeed a sad state of affairs, I’m very sorry to hear that.

I have my demos from back then at the ready if there is still interest, hopefully others do as well. Should I send them to you for the promotional project, Samski?

Or maybe someone else is willing to step up to help with a fully fledged fragumentary?



It’s all good.



Quoted from Selek

That is indeed a sad state of affairs, I’m very sorry to hear that.

I have my demos from back then at the ready if there is still interest, hopefully others do as well. Should I send them to you for the promotional project, Samski?

Or maybe someone else is willing to step up to help with a fully fledged fragumentary?

It’s all been sorted send anything you have an I will do my best to include as much of it as possible – It looks like I should be able to go forward with a Fragumentary-Esque project and I will provide updates on a separate forum from now on for feedback until I release the final video!


Dr. med.

Go gettem!

I decided to go through my LAN demos… yeaaaaaah the 2 kills I got in that weekend are done by my sentry. RIP 8)


Dr. med.

I demand a montage of that backcap on gully in the semifinals (?) where kkaltuu was supposed to stand on the point but… Well… Didn’t.


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