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DeutschLAN 2015: Main Thread

Created 17th January 2015 @ 20:37

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Quoted from MoistPenguin

Yet more evidence that TF2Centers head admins are rotten, with the two founding members being unable to be pleasant and reasonable people to the rest of the community putting their personal fights first and not recognising the significance of their word. If you say you are going to do something, especially with regards to money, you do it a verbal agreement should always have the same weight behind it is a written one.

I wish Deutschlan all the best, it appears to be a well run event and one that I want to see happen. I wish I could say the same for tf2centre but while Master/tereza are still on the admin team I cannot see that happening.

See how TF2 Centre plays it… The more TF2 Centre head admins act like kids the more people will start to dislike them and that in turn will destroy there website they worked so hard on… Its in there best interest to help the community rather then mess with it.

I would like to hear what TF2 Centre has to say about this see if they have a legit reason to act like this or just because they are “rotten”


Quoted from Sideshow

can I come to lan?




Quoted from Useless

Masternoob and Motherthereza should just stop managing public affairs. They have no social expertise nor any logic behind their reasoning. I am sure I am speak on behalf of the competitive community when I say I wish you would just go away. No one likes you and no one want you to have any say in anything. Please go away.

Let the admins/moderators that know how to take responsibility do the majority of managing. Just sit there and do your coding and stay quite, it would be for everyones better.

I agree

I said this to stionson at the start of this lan. I trust ETF2L to run the community but Tf2 Centre are to far in over there own head. They have little to noexperience in community as they have only been there for a few months where ETF2L has

Just stick to that website of your TF2 Centre!


Masternoob, you’ve pretty much permanently lost any morsel of respect that I still had for you. The fact that you’ve gone to such lengths to prevent me from attending, after having made preparations to travel with Deox, Ceejaey and a few others and actively seeking out summer work to pay for travel and attendance, just goes to show how brittle your ego really is over what happened.

I’m going to make it my mission to make sure me and any of my friends avoid your website like the plague so long as you and Mother Tereza are part of the administrative staff. There do exist alternatives such as TF2Pickup, and this has given me an enlightened passion to increase my contributions to Pickup, especially with the recent change of sponsorship.

Apologises to all of the competent administrators and moderators on the website (truth be told, there’s much more good eggs on the TF2C staff than bad) but I refuse to use a website ran by ego-maniacal cretins.


Quoted from HartzFartz

2. Masternoob made the condition that we ban former tf2center admin RTC from the Lan

This is just wrong.. I wouldn’t want my keys I could pay for the Advanced Lobbies to be used for this sort of leverage for vendettas.
Especially if giving back to the community is your main advertising point.
Shame on you TF2C. To think I’ve been risking my nerstars defending you on TF.TV

Last edited by CHERRY,



Quoted from RTC

Apologises to all of the competent administrators and moderators on the website (truth be told, there’s much more good eggs on the TF2C staff than bad) but I refuse to use a website ran by ego-maniacal cretins.


All but 2 of the staff ive never had a problem with. Those ive had problems with should be obvious by now.


Apologises to all of the competent administrators and moderators on the website (truth be told, there’s much more good eggs on the TF2C staff than bad) but I refuse to use a website ran by ego-maniacal cretins.

I too will be boycotting TF2Center after this. They’ve done some stupid stuff in the past but this is totally unacceptable.

The point of a sponsoring an event like this is to support the community not to exert your influence over people/organisations. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes people reluctant to give them money/items and given the negative feedback ALs have been getting this isn’t going to help their case.

Good luck and kudos to the people behind DeutschLan and TF2Pickup. Unfortunately I cannot afford to go but if you guys need any help with the running/organisation I’ll be glad to help out.

Shame on the admins of TF2Center who tried to ban people from the LAN.


Wow. This is really… unacceptable.
Someone should edit the thread title, I fixed the news on Hartz request.

Last edited by Schalla,


Pretty bad, but not surprising.




lol tf2center



Quoted from HartzFartz

It is my pleasure to announce that DeutschLAN is dropping tf2center.com from sponsorship of the lan. We came to this conclusion because of three main reasons:

1. A prizepool of 2000€ was promised which was suddendly dropped to 500€

2. Masternoob made the condition that we ban former tf2center admin RTC from the Lan

3. Bad business ethics/attitude from tf2center

Also I can proudly announce that from now on forward tf2pickup.net will be sponsoring the lan. A big thank you goes to them for supporting this community event. They have proven in previous season to be great and serious sponsors.


1) This isn’t a surprise to me, 2k was generous and only possible if Geel attached his wallet.

2) If this is true it is absolutely unacceptable, cannot be defended at all.

3) Examples?

Like to hear TF2C’s side of the story first, btw you might want to edit the thread title. :P



Did RTC do more than abusing mod rights after he wasn´t an official mod anymore?
Really curious to know why MN dislikes him so much.


UbeR |

RTC recorded a staff meeting discussing bans, when confronted about it he lied and subsequently sent he recording to his friends that we were having the discussion about.


It’s not like RTC hasn’t been mouthing off on the forums, he almost certainly deserves a bit of personal grudgery because of that. EDIT: and also the things that kkaltu said but I wasn’t gonna reveal that.

But yo PR101 first lecture they teach you to ignore the haters so smh.

Last edited by Kenneth,

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