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DeutschLAN 2015: Main Thread

Created 17th January 2015 @ 20:37

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see you at lan nerds c====3



see you at finals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Dr. med.

Hello guys!

Its been a bit quiet this week, but dont worry. We are taking the week(end) off this time, but we will be back with another showmatch next weekend!

The official signup-deadline has passed. If you still want to register a team, you need to talk to me personally! It is still possible, but please do not just go ahead and sign up!

Have a nice weekend, boys and girls!



What’s the status of the whole ‘we need X teams in order for the whole event to go through’ thing?
Also, since signups are technically closed now, is there a chance we’ll be seeing a list of teams and their players at any point? Would be nice to know which gamers we can expect to meet :>


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Forty-Two

What’s the status of the whole ‘we need X teams in order for the whole event to go through’ thing?
Also, since signups are technically closed now, is there a chance we’ll be seeing a list of teams and their players at any point? Would be nice to know which gamers we can expect to meet :>

Premiership champion ‘Khazul’ himself will be there, so get your tits ready for autographs


Dr. med.

We will have enough teams to make the event happen. A list will be coming soon.


(ETF2L Donator)

https://youtu.be/tT5x0DKqCus?t=1m37s deutschlan deutschlan

Bob Bami

There’s a chance i will go to LAN, I’d gladly pick some ppl up since i’ll be going with my car. I can take 2 people with me.
So whoever lives in the north of the Netherlands and doesn’t have anyone to travel with or someone in Germany who lives near the route I’m taking add me

This is the route im taking : http://imgur.com/IxwyW9W

Last edited by Bob Bami,


Quoted from HartzFartz

https://youtu.be/tT5x0DKqCus?t=1m37s deutschlan deutschlan

made me giggle so much



Quoted from Bob Bami

There’s a chance i will go to LAN, I’d gladly pick some ppl up since i’ll be going with my car. I can take 2 people with me.
So whoever lives in the north of the Netherlands and doesn’t have anyone to travel with or someone in Germany who lives near the route I’m taking add me

This is the route im taking : http://imgur.com/IxwyW9W

“Cnozzz with a car and drivers license scares me” – Oxy 2015



Hello guys!
25 sites too much for drunk guys!?

Could i get a quick summup?

How many ppl of the german com will show up? is there room without hte houses? tell me it will be plenty of everything ( lol ALC!)


Dr. med.

If you need general infos, read my original post. Almost everything you have to know is in there.

If you want to participate/ stay at LAN, you have to stay in one of the houses. Except if you live nearby and just want to say hi during the day or something.

About the German community: we have 2 completely German teams signed up, and quite a few Germans are coming in separate mixed-EU teams. There are rarely German tf2 communities to begin with, so there’s that.



Quoted from Wuestenfuchs

Hello guys!
25 sites too much for drunk guys!?

Could i get a quick summup?

How many ppl of the german com will show up? is there room without hte houses? tell me it will be plenty of everything ( lol ALC!)

Long time no see! I will be there, isn’t that enough for you?



should i bring sur strömming?

Bob Bami

is it possible to see the teams and rosters who are confirmed that they’re going to LAN?
I need ppl who want to travel with me…

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