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DeutschLAN 2015: Main Thread

Created 17th January 2015 @ 20:37

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Waiting for the rosters so I can consider who can sign my postcard :DD


Dr. med.

Quoted from Forty-Two

I assume they’re going to wait until signups are closed with listing teams and their rosters, though I agree it would be interesting to see which and how many teams have signed up already, and just update it as more teams sign up.

Patience, my friends… patience! ;)



Quoted from kKaltUu

I couldn’t sleep since some nerds decided to donate at 3AM or something. phone kept lighting up. Not sure why I’m complaining, but please only wake me up for 500 euro or more Kappa

Any kind of displeasure to you is a great incentive to Vote Kklatuu….Prepare your wallet as I donate $10 every hour


Dr. med.

New post! http://etf2l.org/2015/06/01/deutschlan-2015-sponsored-by-tf2center-com-showmatches-updates/

Dont miss Chessclub vs Kids Next Door on Sunday and keep donating to our fundraiser

Last edited by DCS,


Dr. med.

Also, if you missed it:

You can now come to LAN, even if you dont play. We were asked that a lot of times, if you can just come and hang out. Yes, you can!


Dr. med.

edited the original post and provided links for both trains and busses.


UbeR |

if i take a flixbus to dortmund, whats the best way to go from dortmund to nieheim?

additionally, lan takes place 11-13, does that mean to come on 10 and get to leave on 14? or come on 11 and leave at 13?



Quoted from quell

if i take a flixbus to dortmund, whats the best way to go from dortmund to nieheim?

additionally, lan takes place 11-13, does that mean to come on 10 and get to leave on 14? or come on 11 and leave at 13?

IC/ICE to paderborn/altenbeken, check the routes

you can arrive on 10th if you pay for early arrival and you have to leave at 14.00-16.00 on sunday


UbeR |

Quoted from quintosh


IC/ICE to paderborn/altenbeken, check the routes

you can arrive on 10th if you pay for early arrival and you have to leave at 14.00-16.00 on sunday

thanks for the info, i think ill take the ic/ice to altenbeken (or is paderborn closer?). only like 72 return ticket with seat reservations!



altenbeken = 10 mins drive, paderborn ~30min


When are the main activities supposed to happen ? Because i just noticed friday is still schoolday :


You can bet on tonight!


UbeR |

Thank you cherry for the saloon bets.

Yesterday, despite the 6s showmatches being scheduled during our showmatch we still have great games and a good fund raiser.

LAN enough and PremPander battled it out over three maps:
Upward http://logs.tf/871986
Viaduct http://logs.tf/872083
Process http://logs.tf/872176

Yesterday’s top donator was SlimyHairball with €75.00, and at the end the total amount raised yesterday was €190.00!

Because indiegogo does not allow raffles, we’ll keep on doing these raffles via imraising and show the live drawing on stream.
The raffle for the terror-watt coppers hard top was won by SlimyHairball !

In total the show matches have amounted for €375.42, which means we have secured the indiegogo campaign (reaching the goal if TF2Center donates their promised amount!)

Thanks for everyone for watching, thank you for the teams to show amazing plays (quell with the big medic drop on upward), and last but not least the donators for making everything possible!

Last edited by kKaltUu,


see you at lan nerds :^)


see you at lan nerds *.*/

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