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idea for a very special tf2-exclusive lan

Created 18th December 2014 @ 17:02

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(ETF2L Donator)

Oh my fucking god this sounds incredible.



welcome to tf2 where we’ll talk how good something would be but noone does anything


(ETF2L Donator)

shit internet doe


Fuck tf2 let’s do a big party for two days



20 mins from my location with the car, sick. So my mother can’t blame me for being home late.

Last edited by Blooddrunk,


Quoted from rytis

welcome to tf2 where we’ll talk how good something would be but noone does anything


Quoted from ash

There dont appear to be any places for a stage with big finals and such. I think that’s important for lans.

Moving between houses to talk to other people than your own team is also a bit meh.

Weren’t you ever on a camp as a kid? You mix up a lot with others and those houses are not even far usually

Quoted from bane™

+1 great idea, would definitely come


guess it could be worse, imagine a lan in france :P

Or Croatia, it was easier to communicate there using polish than english :) (it was still worth visiting)
But I survived to tell the story!

Last edited by CHERRY,


(Big Poppa)

Sounds great foungi! If you (or somebody else) could organize this, I’ll definitely come without a doubt :D



Quoted from rytis

welcome to tf2 where we’ll talk how good something would be but noone does anything

organize it then


Dr. med.

Sounds great, sign me up!

Quoted from rytis

welcome to tf2 where we’ll talk how good something would be but noone does anything

Yeah, how great would it be to have LANs, a lobby system, leagues and match casts that are not done by the publisher of the game!



this looks amazing, would come for sure.

if someone is planning on organizing this, hit me up, I’d be happy to help out.

from: http://www.mtalan.de/index.php?s=faq
>13. What kind of tournaments are played?
>We organize a 6on6 (usually) tournament for all clans.

It’s like we have to go



wait a sec…
do u need to bring your own computer ?



Quoted from Dikker

wait a sec…
do u need to bring your own computer ?


I’ll probably translate most of the important info and post it here later today.



i set up a little email to the head organizer (not sent yet, waiting for your feedback) explaining who we are, why we want to go to the mta and asking whether he has basic interest in hosting our event.

“Sehr geehrter Herr Laabs,

vor ein paar Tagen erinnerte ich mich an den Gameone-Bericht über die MTA Lan. Da ich selbst schon einigen Jahren Competitive Team Fortress 2 spiele, und deswegen auch schon die größte Veranstaltung für Team Fortress 2, nämlich die jährlichen Team-Weltmeisterschaften anlässlich der britischen Insomnia Lan, besucht habe, fiel mir auf dass viele Spieler aus verschiedenen Gründen mit den Veranstaltern und dem Veranstaltungort unzufrieden ist.

Unsere kleine Community sehnt sich schon lange nach einem exklusiven Team Fortress 2 Event, bei der Insomnia bilden wir jedoch nur einen kleinen Teil der Besucher. Außerdem ist die Reise nach England für viele Mittel- und Osteuropäer, sowie für Skandinavier ein zu teures Unterfangen. Außerdem ist die persönliche Atmosphäre der MTA genau richtig für unsere Community.
Als alternativer Veranstaltungsort erscheint daher die MTA perfekt.

Competitive Team Fortress 2 wird von Valve im Gegensatz nicht gefördert, sodass die TF2 Community alles selbst organisieren und bezahlen muss. Bereits drei mal seit 2012 haben wir es geschafft, durch Crowdfunding das jeweils beste amerikanische und australische Team nach Europa zu holen, um unsere Weltmeisterschaft abzuhalten, mit einem Spendenvolumen von bis zu 20000$ pro Veranstaltung. Auf erstes Nachfragen meinerseits bei der Community regte sich großes Interesse an einer Teilnahme an der MTA.

Deshalb wollte ich hiermit vorsichtig anfragen, ob Sie prinzipiell daran interessiert wären, Gastgeber eines außerordentlichen Sonderevents für unsere Team Fortress 2 WM zu sein.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Felix Funk”

bitte tippfehler etc melden.

“Dear Mr. Laabs,

a few days ago i remembered seeing a Documentary about the MTA Lan. Since I’ve been playing competitive TF2 for a few years now, and because of that also visited the biggest TF2 event, our annual World Championship hosted at the british Insomnia Lan, I got the feeling that lots of players are unhappy with going to that event for various reasons.

Our little Community craves for a TF2 exclusive event, but at the Insomnia we only represent a small part of the visitors. Apart from that the journey to England is too expensive for many central & eastern europeans, as well as skandinavians. Furthermore, the intimate atmosphere at the MTA is perfect for our community. This is why the MTA seems to be the perfect alternative.

Valve doesn’t support competitive TF2, which means that the community needs to organize and pay for everything on its own. We’ve been able to get the best american and australian teams to europe for the World Championship 3 times since 2012, and collected up to 20000$ for our cause. When i first asked the community for their opinion on participating at mta, the feedback was very postivie.

This is why i’d like to ask you, whether you have a basic interest in hosting a special event for our TF2 WC.

yours sincerely,
Felix Funk”

don’t judge me, i just got up and translated it quickly, keep typos if you find any


(Legendary Ratehacks)

sonnyblack+canfo+schalala to do the admin stuff

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