
Travel from LANs

Created 18th December 2014 @ 02:38

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Hi, just a little whim I had. Would people pay for a service that allows safe delivery of monitors, pc’s and other gear from house to lan? Would mainly be targeted at tiddlypeeps who cannot drive or international visitors. Does anyone have any issues with travel which could be rectified by this method?



Cost for travelling to England with my computer by plane, two ways – 200€
Cost for travelling to England, and having someone transport my computer from Sweden to England by car, two ways – ???


Fair enough!

I don’t see any feasible way to do this from and to a range of countries, having good insurance policies AND being low cost.

But if it was possible, I’d do it in a whim. Been to enough LANs where I had to twist and turn to even get into the car with all the shit we brought in.

For anecdotes just ask Skeej.


(ETF2L Donator)

If this was a reasonable price, absolutely, there’d be tonnes of people who would do it. You’d have to have insurance, reputation and be cheap though. I can imagine that not being possible.


(ETF2L Donator)

If the price and insurance was right I’d use it.


(ETF2L Donator)

if you can drive my computer to lan from iceland i’d sign up


I’d definitely use this

I can’t get my giant computer in any type of storage I can take on a train, so for me it’s either hire or nothing now. And no fucking way would I ever take my shit on a plane, they break shit all the time.



A lot of people want good rental computers / monitors. I went to 2 insomnia events only bringing monitor + equipment while renting a PC

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